For a complete list of all video recordings of meetings, search for “Police and Fire Commission” in the Additional Meetings channel of the City of Madison Mediasite library.
Police and Fire Commission (PFC) Complaint Procedures and Rules
The Police and Fire Commission is an independent statutory body overseeing the hiring, promotion, discipline, and terminations of police and fire personnel in the City of Madison. The 5 commissioners are appointed by the Mayor to staggered five year terms. The purpose of having an independent commission is to separate police and fire staffing matters from local politics.
Make Your Voice Heard
Members of the public who wish to offer comment during the public comment period must register in advance using the City of Madison’s online registration system online registration system. The order of speakers will be based on the order of submission of the completed Registration Form. Based on the PFC’s standard practice, each speaker will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.
Leave a voicemail: Madison residents without internet access can be directed to call (608) 266-6574 and leave a voicemail. City staff will type a transcript of each message and email it to the PFC.
Haga oír tu voz
Madison está contratando a un nuevo jefe de policía:
Members of the public who wish to offer comment during the public comment period must register in advance using the City of Madison’s online registration system online registration system. The order of speakers will be based on the order of submission of the completed Registration Form. Based on the PFC’s standard practice, each speaker will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.