Vehicle a Total Loss Following Fire on Waunona Way
Incident Details
The Madison Fire Department was dispatched to 2810 Waunona Way for a truck reported to be on fire. A second 911 caller reported that a house was possibly on fire as well, prompting the Dane County 911 Communication Center to upgrade the call to a full structure fire response.
The MFD Fire Training Division, headquartered at nearby Fire Station 14, responded to the call, reporting to other incoming companies dark smoke rising and visible from about a mile away. Smoke was also visible across Lake Monona as responding companies approached via the east Beltline highway.
Upon arrival, the MFD Training Division confirmed a vehicle fully involved with fire but no threats to nearby homes or other structures. Engine Co. 5 was next to arrive on scene, promptly beginning fire attack and knocking down the bulk of the fire. The fire was fueled in part by flammable equipment and tools on board.
Crews remained on scene to continue to put out hot spots until the fire was fully extinguished.
Waterproofing operations on a brand new basement foundation were underway when the fire occurred. There was no damage to the property. The vehicle involved is a total loss due to the extent of fire damage. No injuries were reported.