East Side Dog Park

Project Details

  • Location

    • 22 Leon Street
      Madison, WI 53714
    • 99 Silver Road
      Madison, WI 53714
  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 6
    District 15

Project Information

Project Update

Based on Parks Division and Alder review of the online survey results and project correspondence record, neither east side dog park option has definitive community support to continue in the approval process. OB Sherry Park and Eastmorland Park are no longer under consideration as potential dog off-leash exercise areas.

The Parks Division greatly appreciates the time taken by area residents and park users to participate in the community engagement process. The feedback received has been saved to the project file and Parks will investigate other potential off-leash locations in the future.

East Side Dog Park Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey and provided comments on the proposed dog park options.   The survey was one additional tool to gather community input and will be reviewed with the previously received email and phone correspondence. The survey results and write-in comments are provided below:

East Side Dog Park Survey Results

Question 14 Responses

Question 15 Responses

The east side off-leash dog park survey is now closed.

The survey was opened on July 27,2020 and included a recorded introductory presentation. The presentation provided information on dog ownership data, the selection criteria for new off-leash areas and site-specific information on the two locations under consideration. The survey was available until September 26, 2020 and is now closed. Parks staff will download the data and post the results here on the project webpage. The survey results, project correspondence and input from the Eastmorland Neighborhood Association will be reviewed by the Parks Division and Alder representatives to determine if sufficient community support exists for one of the two options to move forward in the approval process. The outcome of the review process will be posted to the project webpage and shared with the Eastmorland Neighborhood Association, Alders and the Board of Park Commissioners.

City of Madison Potential East Side Dog Park Options

Two locations are under consideration, with only one of the two sites potentially moving forward as a new dog park. The proposed dog park options are located in OB Sherry Park and Eastmorland Park. Depending on the outcome of the community engagement process, it is possible neither location will move forward in the approval process.

In February 2020 the two potential dog park options were posted to the Parks Division project website in anticipation of a community meeting to review and discuss the options. A meeting at Olbrich Botanical Gardens was scheduled for March 19th but was postponed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The intent of the public meeting was to present information on the selection criteria and gather input from area residents, park users and dog owners on the identified options. Due to the on-going COVID 19 gathering restrictions, the Parks Division developed the following survey as an opportunity for those interested in the project to share their thoughts and preferences on the presented options. In addition to questions relating to the two east side options, the survey also includes general questions to provide an understanding on how people use existing dog park facilities.

Both potential locations are located within the Eastmorland neighborhood. The Eastmorland Community Association (ECA) has issued letters of opposition to both sites, stating concerns about noise, traffic, parking and potential environmental impacts. ECA letters are available for viewing, located here: Eastmorland Community Association Letters of Opposition

The intent of the current survey is to continue the community engagement process that was postponed by the COVID 19 pandemic. The survey is another opportunity for area residents to share their thoughts on the potential options.  The decision if one of the two options moves forward in the approval process will be made once survey results, email correspondence, and ECA input are reviewed by the Parks Division and Alder representatives.

Survey participants are encouraged to view an informational presentation on the two options prior to taking the survey. To view information on the potential dog park options and selection criteria, please follow this link: East Side Dog Park Options Presentation

To take the survey for the two proposed options, please follow this link: East Side Dog Park Survey is now closed

Schematic plans from the presentation:

If you have any questions regarding the public engagement process or proposed options, please contact Mike Sturm at msturm@cityofmadison.com or at (608) 267-4921.

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