Madison Public Schools open soon for the 2016-17 school year. To help insure the safety of students walking to school or getting dropped off near schools, we would like to remind drivers to be particularly alert to crossings staffed by Adult School Crossing Guards.
As a driver, if you are directed by an Adult School Crossing Guard to stop (through the use of a hand held stop sign), please stop NO CLOSER than 10 feet and REMAIN STOPPED until both the students/pedestrians AND the crossing guard have reached the curb and the stop sign is lowered to the guards' side. Failure to stop or remain stopped may result in the issuance of a $98.80 citation. During the 2015-16 school year, 375 such citations were issued. Help us save a life! Stop and stay stopped!
If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact the Adult School Crossing Guard Supervisor Patti Knoche at the City of Madison Police Department at 266-4703.