It was a HO, HO, HO kind of day last Sunday. With the freshly fallen snow and a surprise visit from Santa, it was a perfect day for a holiday extravaganza. North District Police Officers were very happy to host several families for a day of festivities, fun and food. Our officers and their guests enjoyed a bowl of steaming hot chili and some hot chocolate, created tasty gingerbread houses, sang a few karaoke carols, and of course, joyfully received gifts from Santa.
This year our department partnered with The Road Home of Dane County and the Madison Community Policing Foundation to help make the holidays bright for our families. Hopefully the biggest gift for our guest families will be permanent, stable housing in 2017. With the support of partners like Road Home, that Christmas wish will soon be reality.
We hope your holidays will be as happy and full of goodness as the day we enjoyed last Sunday.