It's that time of year again when we come home to front porches full of boxes from online retailers where we find all of the best deals from the convenience of ordering from our phones. This joyous occasion is also the favorite time of year for #PorchPirates.
These adventurous thieves feast on crimes of opportunity and convenience, often finding their biggest bounty in apartment complexes and vulnerable front porches.
So, I'm sure you'd like to keep those deliveries this season so you can give them as gifts to friends and family, and not the lurking #PorchPirates.
Here are a few package theft prevention tips:
- Have packages delivered to your work
- Schedule delivery for times you will be home
- Have packages delivered to a neighbor who is home
- Require a signature from your package carrier
- Monitor your front porch (Xfinity Home, Ring doorbell, Nest and others)
Since they are already on your property and porch, some of these #PorchPirates will also check for unlocked doors.So, make sure that the exterior of your home and any vehicles are locked up every day and night!Madison Police Department sees a lot of neighborhoods fall victim to theft from autos and garages when the majority of these crimes can be deterred from simply locking them up! Follow Madison Police Department on social media for periodic safety tips and friendly reminders to Lock-It-Up! #NIGHTLYLOCKUP
Lookout for each other and report suspicious activity!
Additional resources from MPD related to this topic:
Vacation Watch:
Camera Registration
Link to Flyers/Pamphlets on Safety