Madison PD has a quiet, ponytailed secret. We employ one of the highest percentages of female officers in the country. The US Department of Justice reports that in local American police departments, female officers make up 12% of the workforce. As of December 2019, MPD's female officer workforce stood at 28%. As the sergeant of community outreach, time and time again I find myself talking to lifelong Madison residents who remark with surprise on how many female Madison cops they see. I find that when I share the 28% statistic, the most common response is "Really? I had no idea!"
We are the 28%, but we are so much more than that number. For the past 13 years, I have worked alongside moms, grandmas, wives, partners, sisters, daughters, aunts, and nieces. I have watched the women of MPD relate to the folks we serve from our own experiences and struggles. We count amongst our ranks immigrants and 1st generation college graduates; we hold law degrees and babies, we run triathlons and tactical calls, we are LGBTQ+ and allies, we are athletes, artists, mentors, and friends. And above all, we are human beings who put on a uniform and try to make things a little better. For the next 12 months, MPD is going to recognize some of the remarkable women we employ and the stories they hold.
- Sergeant Meg Hamilton
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#WeAreThe28 #FindYOURBlueCalling #BeTheChangeYOUWantToSee #WomenInPolicing