Good day! We have had a tumultuous 2020, when you consider the continuous fallout from COVID-19 and what we all have had to endure since the pandemic became our new norm. We saw a fair amount of civil unrest throughout the United States during this same time, and that was partially responsible for decisions being made to suspend our long running 'Coffee With A Cop' in the East District.
After conferring with a variety of entities within the Madison Police Department, and citizens externally, we have now ventured in the technological world of trying to interface with the community. The use of ZOOM video conferencing has been a good way to reconnect community members, and I am excited about having our next meeting on Tuesday, December 15th, 2020 at 10:00am. I look forward to seeing familiar faces and those who may be new to area.
Please spread the word to anyone who may want to participate, and as always, if you have any questions of me please call me at (608) 266 - 4883 or email me at If there are specific things you would want me to discuss, emailing me is the preference; as it allows for me to research an issue and deliver the best information possible.
Officer Howard Payne
Neighborhood Resource Officer - East District
Topic: Virtual Coffee With A Cop
Time: Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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