Good day! We will have a virtual 'Coffee with a Cop', that incorporates an in person option at The Pinney Library located at 516 Cottage Grove Road, Madison Wisconsin. Based on a construction upgrade project at the East District Station, the meeting location had to be changed at the last minute. Coffee will be provide for those who attend the in person alternative and masks are required in the community room space that we will use. The next session is scheduled on Tuesday, January 11th , 2022 at 10am and I am excited to interface with the entire group of citizens; in both formats (virtual and in-person). As usual, we are excited about this opportunity and ask that you spread the word to anyone who might be interested in this worthy community event. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or leave a voicemail message at (608) 266-4883. Email is my preference. If you have questions or concerns, you can direct them to me or email me in advance; in order that I am prepared to provide an appropriate response.
Guest Speaker - State of Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation (Leeana Liska)
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Meeting ID: 961 8053 6027
Passcode: 404431