Today, members of the Traffic Enforcement Safety Team conducted a seatbelt compliance check of motorists in the 700 block of W.Washington Av. The project resulted in 44 motorists being stopped for failure to wear a seatbelt and 4 motorists being stopped for illegal window tinting.
Motorists are reminded that seatbelts save lives and Wisconsin Law requires their use. The fine for the violation is $10 and drivers/adult passengers are not assessed any demerit points.
Window tinting of vehicles has become increasingly popular but may be illegal depending on the amount of tinting. Current Wisconsin Statute requires there to be a minimum of 50% light transmission through the front driver and passenger windows and at least 35% of the visible light to pass through the rear side and rear windows. Aftermarket tinting must adhere to these standards. So, if your planning on having that "Blackout" look, make sure you follow the law.