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Police Blotter

Tag: Crime Prevention

January 8, 2025 12:05 PM

Greetings Midtown! As winter's chill sets in, many drivers are tempted to let their vehicles warm up before hitting the road. After all, nobody wants to get behind the wheel of a cold car, especially when it's freezing outside. However, this seemingly harmless habit of idling your car to … [read more]

December 15, 2024 7:37 PM

Today, the holiday spirit was alive and well in Madison, as a special event sponsored by the 100 Black Men of Madison in partnership with Walmart-East and the Madison Police Department brought joy and holiday cheer to local families. The event took place at Walmart-East and saw officers from … [read more]

November 26, 2024 2:23 PM

(MADISON) --The Madison Police Department has been awarded a $1.6 million federal grant to help prevent overdose deaths, and expand access to evidence-based treatment, recovery, peer support and more. The grant continues and expands the nationally-recognized Madison Area Recovery Initiative … [read more]

November 26, 2024 11:20 AM

Greetings! Over the past week, we have seen an uptick in thefts from autos (TFA) in the Midtown District. These incidents often involve thieves targeting unlocked vehicles, taking valuables left inside, or rummaging through cars that are parked overnight in driveways or on the street. While … [read more]

August 26, 2024 3:39 PM

Hello Community Neighbors and Residents, The Madison Police Department - Midtown District is reaching out to alert our neighbors about a recent crime pattern that has emerged, specifically Thefts From Automobiles, in the Westmorland Neighborhood. Theft from automobiles happen across the … [read more]

August 1, 2024 10:54 AM

Hello East District! On Tuesday, August 13, Detective Kelly Dougherty is hosting a Domestic Abuse Resource Meet and Greet at the Pinney Branch of the Madison Public Library. Sadly, domestic abuse affects many members of our community in a very real and direct manner. It affects even more … [read more]

October 2, 2023 1:01 PM

Hello Midtown, Property crime impacts just about everyone and, can be stubbornly persistent. However, there are things we can do to reduce and prevent it. And I do mean WE! Please take a look at the below link to help us (and you) prevent property crime. Thank you and happy … [read more]

September 29, 2023 10:25 AM

Hi all, hope this finds you well. I know it is hard to believe (since I still see 80's in the forecast) but…winter is coming! I love it when it gets colder. I don’t know if it is the chill in the air, the death of mosquitoes, or being on the cusp of the holiday season that does it for me, but it … [read more]

March 1, 2023 12:47 PM

Good afternoon. The East District continues to experience theft and attempted theft of Kia and Hyundai brand vehicles. Please click the link below reference an update to this … [read more]

December 3, 2021 9:48 AM

The temperature is dropping and more vehicles are left running and unlocked. More packages are being delivered and left outside of homes or businesses. Here is a reminder of the actions that can be taken to prevent property crime. [read more]

November 4, 2021 9:04 AM

[read more]

July 9, 2021 10:07 AM

Please see the attached! /police/blog/documents/MSP2.pdf [read more]

July 1, 2021 3:05 PM

Hello Midtown, As we move through the summer, and in line with our Midtown Strategic Plan, we are paying particular attention to crime trends and data--where, when, how, and (when possible) who are committing the crimes. While we have enjoyed substantial reductions in two of our three … [read more]

June 21, 2021 3:07 PM

Hello--please see the below link for our first Midtown Strategic Plan update. /police/blog/documents/MSPupdate1.pdf Thank you and be well. Captain Freedman [read more]

June 11, 2021 3:30 PM

Be advised of recent property crime in the West District ovenight in the area of Old Sauk Rd and Bear Claw Way. It appears that suspect(s) entered unlocked cars on the road or in the driveway and were able to gain access into the garage. Officers will provide additional directed patrols … [read more]

June 7, 2021 2:39 PM

Hello East District Community Members, Today marks the beginning of the 2021 East District Summer Strategic Plan. The East District will utilize the Stratified Model to incorporate problem oriented policing, analysis and accountability at all levels. The plan includes three priority areas. … [read more]

June 3, 2021 9:44 AM

Please see the attached PDF and video containing information about Midtown's Summer Strategic Plan MidtownSummerStrategicPlan [read more]

April 8, 2021 11:55 AM

Here are 10 things you need to know when meeting someone buying or selling something online: Always meet in a public place Tell someone Never meet at home Always meet during the day If it's a high-priced transaction, do it at a bank Don't pay in cash Disable caller ID Don't … [read more]

March 18, 2021 12:25 PM

Hello Midtown District! Despite the recent snow, spring is coming! Along with warmer weather, MMSD recently announced the return to in-person learning. The change of season and the re-opening of schools provide opportunities and challenges for Midtown PD and our district residents, and I want … [read more]

February 8, 2021 11:21 AM

The polar vortex is here. Please don't leave your warming vehicle unattended, to be clear. [read more]

November 18, 2020 9:44 AM

It's that time of year for giving... and taking. With so many people shopping online because of the pandemic, we are expected to have a record-breaking year for home deliveries and Porch Pirates this holiday season. These adventurous thieves feast on crimes of opportunity and convenience, … [read more]

October 19, 2020 11:18 AM

Thanks to the Orchard Ridge and Greentree Neighborhood Associations along with the East Side Good Neighbor Project for their newest initiative to decrease crimes of opportunity and enhance public safety. The #9PMRoutine initiative reminds us all to close garage doors, turn on exterior lights … [read more]

August 7, 2020 9:26 PM

There were a rash of stolen autos, burglaries and theft from autos last night on the east side. In most of these cases, the thieves got into cars and opened the garages with the garage door opener, then they went into homes via the unlocked entry door into the garage. Please make it your … [read more]

July 27, 2020 1:28 PM

Hello Midtown, Recently there has been a significant increase in some types of calls in Midtown (and throughout the City). Three areas stand out: Shots Fired, Burglary, and Theft from Auto (TFA). Shots Fired: June 2019 Midtown: 1 June 2020 … [read more]

March 12, 2020 11:35 AM

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warns individuals to remain vigilant for scams related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Cyber actors may send emails with malicious attachments or links to fraudulent websites to trick victims into revealing sensitive information … [read more]

January 22, 2020 11:16 PM

I have read several reports over the past few days of reported car shopping where individuals are walking down streets in neighborhoods, trying every car door. Please don't become a theft victim, lock your cars, homes and garages! [read more]

December 13, 2019 9:33 AM

Midtown Crime Summary November 2019 Hello Midtown! I recently received some feedback from community members who asked to get more information about crime information and trends in the district. Below is my effort to provide some data. If you find this information useful or helpful, … [read more]

October 3, 2019 4:25 PM

There is an active group of persons in a convoy of vehicles going throughout communities in and around Madison, breaking into cars as well as homes. The MO is to check the car in the driveway and upon finding it unlocked, use the garage door opener to make entry into your home. This group is … [read more]

September 5, 2019 4:16 PM

Overnight numerous homes, specifically windows, were struck by what are believed to be BB gun pellets. The victim homes are in the Orchard Ridge and Meadowood Neighborhoods. Be aware of your surroundings and call police if you see suspicious vehicles or people in your neighborhood. If anyone … [read more]

August 21, 2019 10:37 AM

Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall. It's that time of year again. While we are busy getting back into school-mode, it's even more important to put safety first. Here are some quick and easy #Back2SchoolSAFETYTIPS for us all: Head Up Phone Down Never Dart Out In Front Of A Parked Car Lock … [read more]

August 7, 2019 1:13 PM

The Madison Police Department hosted National Night Out Tuesday August 6th at Warner Park. It was an incredibly successful event with lots of opportunities for the police and park rangers to connect with the … [read more]

July 11, 2019 3:00 PM

Want to learn how to make your home and personal property less tempting to thieves? Then join us for the next Good Neighbor Night! Learn more about the most common types of property crimes that occur in Madison Discover tips and low-cost ways you can deter thieves when you're asleep … [read more]

July 8, 2019 1:18 PM

We are, again, seeing an increase in burglaries, theft from autos, and theft of autos in the Midtown District. These are not specific to one area but all throughout the district! The trends we are seeing: Burglaries: Items taken from open garages while people are working in the … [read more]

June 5, 2019 11:10 AM

On behalf of the Madison Police Department Burglary Crime Unit, Happy Summer! We hope it is a safe one for you and yours. To assist in that endeavor, we have some tips to keep you, your residences and properties safe. As the supervisor of the BCU, I review the vast majority of case reports … [read more]

June 3, 2019 12:26 PM

Who is viewing my account? How do I regulate who can see my posts? Is it a trusted or verified person? What information can other users see on my account? What could happen if my account is viewed by the wrong people? These are all questions that a social media user should be frequently … [read more]

May 16, 2019 10:15 AM

There have been 150 stolen vehicles so far in 2019, a 14% increase over same time period last year. In April of this year, the City had 34 stolen autos reported, representing a 36% increase over April of 2018. Of the 34 stolen autos reported in April, 28 had keys left in them. Two stolen … [read more]

May 9, 2019 1:06 PM

The area around Monroe and Regent St have been hit particularly hard with burglaries and theft from autos over the last couple months. A person of interest was recently arrested on charges unrelated to the crimes in this area. After that arrest, we saw a dramatic drop in burglaries and theft … [read more]

April 24, 2019 11:13 AM

DOSE OF REALITY On April 27, we will be collecting any unused prescription painkillers as part of Wisconsin’s next Drug Take Back Day. Madison Police Department will have two lobby locations open on Saturday from 8a-4p: East District: 809 S. Thompson Dr West District: 1710 McKenna … [read more]

April 22, 2019 10:52 AM

WEST COMMUNITY ACADEMY Come learn more about the Madison Police Department! PRICE? FREE with incentives to come! Snacks will be provided! WHO? Any adult over the age of 18 WHEN? Four Mondays: 4/22, 4/29, 5/6 and 5/13 from 5:30-7:00PM *Each Monday will be a new, in-depth topic … [read more]

April 17, 2019 12:33 PM

Most of us have felt it at some time or another: that sinking feeling when you can’t find your phone anywhere and realize you’ve lost it, or worse, that someone has stolen it. Mobile phones and the data they hold are very valuable to thieves. And for similar reasons — they hold so much important … [read more]

April 1, 2019 8:18 AM

This car, and the two occupants inside, were involved in some theft from vehicles in the Post Rd. area over the weekend. If you have any information that can assist us in solving this crime, please call Crimestoppers at 608-266- 6014. [read more]

March 15, 2019 3:17 PM

In the coming weeks, students from the Madison Metropolitan School District and UW-Madison will be among those on Spring Break, heading to beaches and other (hopefully warmer) vacation destinations. Empty homes, apartments, and condos can be targets for opportunistic criminals, and with that … [read more]

March 8, 2019 3:48 PM

It's tax season and we always see an increase in identity theft. From the IRS Website: What is tax-related identity theft? Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your stolen Social Security number to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund. You may be unaware … [read more]

February 25, 2019 10:32 AM

Caller ID Spoofing Content for this blog is courtesy of the FCC and can be found here If you think you've been the victim of a spoofing scam, you can file a complaint with the FCC. Caller ID spoofing is when a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID … [read more]

February 21, 2019 2:36 PM

These days it's easy to do just about everything from behind a screen. We shop online, text and chat with friends and neighbors on apps or on social media, and now we can even use our smartphones to talk to someone at our front door! While all of this technology can be very useful and even … [read more]

February 12, 2019 12:27 PM

Mark your calendars for Good Neighbor Night, learn how you can partner with your neighbors, MPD and others to reduce crime in your neighborhood! See below for specifics [read more]

February 11, 2019 11:26 AM

Are you interested in neighborhood safety? Then please join us for Good Neighbor Night to learn how you can start or join a Good Neighbor Project! Get all the details about this MPD community safety program Learn from community members who will share creative ideas to help you get to … [read more]

February 5, 2019 11:35 AM

In the month of January, we had approx. 70 burglaries city wide. Of those, 45% occurred to homes that had unlocked doors or open garage doors. As a reminder, please keep your garage doors closed and locked, keep your homes locked and your vehicle parked outside locked. #nightlylockup Please … [read more]

January 16, 2019 2:44 PM

Who wouldn't love to be that winner you see on TV holding a great big sweepstakes check? That's what con artists are counting on when they claim to be Publishers Clearing House. This trick is an oldie but goodie for scammers. The scam starts with a call or letter saying you've won the … [read more]

January 7, 2019 2:53 PM

Are you looking to escape the Wisconsin winter for some warmer weather? Whether you are going on a short vacation or consider yourself a snowbird, it is important to prep your home before you leave. Here are 10 safety tips and best practices for snowbirds and vacationers: Make … [read more]

November 21, 2018 6:11 AM

After the turkey and pumpkin pie are nothing but crumbs left in a pan, many people turn to the internet to pass the time. As your fingers are flying and you find that one gift that you just must have, and is on SALE, you decide you must have it! While you are going through the check out … [read more]

November 19, 2018 10:50 AM

It's that time of year again when we come home to front porches full of boxes from online retailers where we find all of the best deals from the convenience of ordering from our phones. This joyous occasion is also the favorite time of year for #PorchPirates. These adventurous thieves feast … [read more]

November 14, 2018 12:04 PM

Recently, we have had approximately six robberies involving Facebook Marketplace transactions. Here are 10 things you need to know when meeting someone buying or selling something online: Always meet in a public place Tell someone Never meet at home Always meet during the day If … [read more]

November 7, 2018 9:45 AM

Over the years Officer Putter has seen it all. Putter has assisted with many community outreach events as well as old crime prevention programs such as DARE and McGruff. After 20+ years serving the Madison community and its police department, Putter decided to retire from what he loved … [read more]

November 5, 2018 1:17 PM

In the month of October, the West District has experienced 52 burglary reports. Of those, 69% involved suspects gaining entry into the residence by the overhead garage door or the side door to the garage. 42% occurred while the homeowner was present. 38% involved suspects targeting … [read more]

October 30, 2018 12:46 PM

Halloween is an exciting time of year for kids, and to help them have a safe holiday, here are some safety tips: ALL DRESSED UP: Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Make sure that shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact … [read more]

October 25, 2018 9:42 AM

Hello All! As part of our ongoing efforts to be informative and share information, I will provide some monthly crime data on my blog. MPD’s dedicated Crime Analysts create this product. We use it to help to identify trends within and across districts, and to help focus resources … [read more]

October 17, 2018 1:35 PM

There will be two upcoming district safety meetings in the near future. Alder McKinney will be hosting the first meeting on Wed. Oct. 24 at 6:30pm at Our Redeemer Church at 1701 McKenna Blvd (across from WPD) Alder Skidmore will be hosting the other on Monday Nov. 5 at 6pm at Blackhawk … [read more]

October 11, 2018 10:54 AM

This week, I have received over half a dozen emails and phone calls from citizens who are upset and frustrated by the auto thefts, burgaries and theft from autos going on. I have heard, "I don't feel safe, my kids aren't safe, what is MPD doing about it?" I just want you all to know, we share … [read more]

October 5, 2018 9:32 AM

Last night around 11:35pm, a young woman was southbound on Whitney stopped at the red light at Schroeder. A vehicle pulled up behind her with the lights off and started shooting. The young lady's vehicle was struck but fortunately, she was not injured. It is believed that the suspect vehicle … [read more]

September 20, 2018 11:43 AM

I just read 2 separate reports in the west district of someone calling from a number that comes back to the Dane County Sheriff's Dept who is claiming to be a deputy. This person tells the homeowner that they are from civil process and they are wanted on a warrant. A request is then made for … [read more]

September 12, 2018 6:35 AM

In follow up to the blog on vehicle report cards, I decided to see for myself how many cars out there, were ripe for a theft from auto. I was out at 3am this morning filling out the vehicle report cards that were discussed in my recent West blog. I found that the majority of the vehicles … [read more]

September 5, 2018 9:37 AM

You may wake up some morning and find this piece of paper on your car windshield. It is just another tool our officers are using to help citizens become aware of things they can do to help reduce the chances of becoming a victim. Primarily our night officers have been checking cars in … [read more]

September 5, 2018 9:02 AM

I am reading another case on the west side where someone left an unlocked vehicle in their driveway and in the middle of the night, someone entered the vehicle and opened the garage door with the opener from the unlocked vehicle. They then went inside the home and stole things while the … [read more]

August 30, 2018 11:00 AM

While reviewing reports this morning, I have now read 6 different overdose reports just in the West District from the past few days. There appears to be a bad batch of heroin that has increased our OD's citywide over the past several days. If you have a friend, loved one or family member who … [read more]

August 29, 2018 12:56 PM

Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall. It's that time of year again. While we are busy getting back into school-mode, it's even more important to put safety first. Here are some quick and easy #Back2SchoolSAFETYTIPS for us all: Head Up Phone Down Never Dart Out In Front Of … [read more]

August 8, 2018 8:21 AM

The MPD is happy to announce a new program to partner with our community in solving crime. There is now a camera registration portal on our website that allows homeowners and businesses to register their surveillance cameras with us. This then allows MPD to check a location where a crime was … [read more]

August 7, 2018 10:42 AM

Our stolen car stats are up 67% for the month. Burglaries have also increase 51% for the month city wide, compared to 2017. Please lock it or you will lose it! #nightlylockup Report any and all suspicious activity! [read more]

July 23, 2018 2:35 PM

Last night there was another incident on the far west side, where homeowners left their garage door open and in the morning, they found found both of their cars stolen out of their now empty garage. Do you really want to be the one begging a co-worker to give you a ride to work? Lock it or … [read more]

July 18, 2018 9:39 AM

We are seeing a disturbing trend in the Nakoma neighborhood where suspects are entering unlocked vehicles in driveways, using the garage door opener to open the garage. Tthey then enter the homes at night through unlocked doors leading into the home while the residents are sleeping and steal … [read more]

July 5, 2018 11:55 AM

Stolen autos are one of biggest problems right now. We have had 201 stolen autos already this year. Last year at this time we had 169 so we are up 18.9% over last year which was a record year. We had 42 autos stolen in June alone. These vehicles are being used by criminals to committ other … [read more]

July 3, 2018 9:19 AM

While reading reports, I saw another disturbing trend. We had 2 guns with ammunition, stolen out of two different unlocked vehicles in the West District. These are two more guns that are now in criminal hands that did not need to be there. One of them was a Draco AK-47 pistol (Photo below of … [read more]

June 28, 2018 8:45 AM

As I was reading reports this morning, I have seen 3 separate cases of credit card fraud. In each of these cases, the vicitm only realized their cards were being used because they reviewed their credit card statements. if you are one of those people who trust that there is no reason to … [read more]

June 18, 2018 1:23 PM

As of June 17, we had 97 shots fired incidents city wide. This is an increase of 14.1% over last year. This morning there was another burglary where an unlocked vehicle sitting in a driveway was entered and the garage door opener was used to open the garage door to the home. The suspects … [read more]

June 11, 2018 10:38 PM

We are experiencing a rash of burglaries and stolen autos again. The burglars are entering unlocked cars in driveways and taking the garage door openers. They then open the garage doors and enter the homes through unlocked doors leading into the home from the garage. Sometimes they steal … [read more]

May 7, 2018 1:19 PM

Just a reminder for you Craigslisters or other on-line shoppers. Instead of meeting people in your homes when selling something, feel free to offer to meet in the parking lot of the West District. I can't imagine anyone with suspcious motives, agreeing to meet you at a police station! [read more]

April 9, 2018 2:14 PM

With the return of winter weather, so followed the return of auto thieves. We had 3 vehicles stolen over the weekend just in the west district. Each of these vehicles were recovered. There was also a gun stolen out of a 4th vehicle. Just a reminder, please don't leave valuables in your … [read more]

March 22, 2018 9:04 AM

Yesterday afternoon and evening there were a couple of different series of shots fired calls. One was around 3:5oPM near the 5800 block of Dorsett Dr. The other was around 9:20pm near the 5800 block of Russett Rd. At this time, we do not know if these incidents are connected. We have made … [read more]

March 16, 2018 2:36 PM

The below blog is from Central Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO) Ken Brown. Ken ably wears many hats in the Central District and is currently our lead liaison at the Beacon and doing lead work in the currently vacant Langdon St Neighborhood Officer position. New beginnings, … [read more]

February 1, 2018 11:22 AM

Our stolen auto statistics for January of 2018 are quite eye opening. We had 57 stolen autos in the city which is a 72% increase over Jan of 2017. Of those, 94% had the keys in the car and 71% were unlocked and running. As I am am writing this, another 3 cars were just stolen this morning … [read more]

January 18, 2018 8:07 AM

Stolen autos remain a problem for us. From the Monday shift notes; One recovered stolen auto on the south side with an arrest One recovered stolen auto in Fitchburg that was stolen in Madison One recovered stolen auto in Mount Horeb that was stolen in Madison One auto … [read more]

January 5, 2018 9:25 AM

Many of you know we tried a social media campaign over the holidays to remind people to lock up their cars. It was on Twitter under #Nightlylockup and we had some billboards throughout the county as well. Off. Tyler Grigg coordinated much of it. As a result, we did experience an increase in … [read more]

December 27, 2017 11:42 AM

We have recently had at least 3 incidents of purse snatchings on the west side. These have been occurring in business parking lots with female victims. Ideas to prevent purse thefts are as follows: Leave your purse at home, carry cash or credit cards in your pocket (they can't steal … [read more]

December 19, 2017 1:22 PM

Recently, a local school dropped of notes of encouragement and crayon pictures of our police officers. It was very much appreciated by our officers! Thanks to all the kids (and teachers) for taking the time to do that!! [read more]

December 15, 2017 11:47 AM

At least a dozen cars had their windows shattered (probably in a drive-by with BB guns or similar) in the Meadowood Dr, Monticello Wy, Leland Rd, Thrush Ln areas overnight between 8pm on 12-14-17 and 6am on 12-15-17. We have extra patrols in the area but we need your help! Please be on the … [read more]

December 4, 2017 5:07 PM

The holidays can be stressful enough without the added burden of trying to avoid becoming a theft victim. Our friends with the Brown County Sheriff’s Department just sent out a statewide alert telling us of a new twist on an old scam. The Sheriff’s Department knew that folks could use this alert … [read more]

November 29, 2017 9:53 AM

Don't let the snow lead to a ticket or a tow. Here are few things you need to know to AVOID a ticket or a tow: Alternate Side Parking is in effect city-wide with the exception of the Snow Emergency Zone (unless there is a Declared Snow Emergency). Alternate Side Parking is in effect from … [read more]

November 27, 2017 11:49 AM

Tis the season for thankfulness, celebration and SCAMS. There are a number of scams going on around Madison, one being the Grandparent scam. This is where are called and a person claiming to be a police officer says the grandchild was arrested and they need bail money to get out. The victim … [read more]

November 22, 2017 4:17 PM

The Madison area has been targeted again recently by scam artists who are convincing people to send large amounts of money in multiple payments, in order to help their grandson out of a legal jam. The victims receive tearful calls from someone pretending to be their grandson. This person … [read more]

November 21, 2017 10:08 AM

This year so far, we have had 362 cars stolen in the city. Many of these are stolen by juveniles and are later recovered, but usually the cars have been damaged or involved in accidents. Many of these kids then endager themselves and the public as they speed and drive recklessly in the stolen … [read more]

November 16, 2017 7:36 AM

We started a new social media campaign yesterday on trying to prevent theft from auto. The City of Madison has experienced over 1100 Thefts from Auto so far this year. There have been 26 guns stolen out of autos this year There were 41 guns stolen out of cars in 2016 Since 2016 there are … [read more]

November 15, 2017 7:27 PM

MPD is following in the footsteps of the Savannah-Chatham Police Department, among others nationwide, which just started a social media campaign called #NighlyLockup to remind people of the importance of LOCKING THEIR DOORS, specifically their car doors. The City of Madison has … [read more]

June 15, 2017 10:05 AM

Many of you may have seen the incident report about a suspicious person in the Hill Farms Neighborhood on the near west side who asked an 11 year old boy to get into his vehicle. Fortunately, the young man wisely refused and safely made it home on his … [read more]

April 26, 2017 3:02 PM

Today several of us in the West District took part in a meeting at the West Middleton Elementary School. I was surprised to hear that about 144 elementary age children who live in Morraine View area attend the West Middleton School. We decided to meet with reps from Joining Forces for … [read more]

April 12, 2017 12:27 PM

We have recently noticed a slight increase in burglaries within the N. Thompson Drive Corridor neighborhood between Lien road and Sycamore Avenue. Most of these have incidents occurred during the overnight hours. In these particular cases, thieves made entry through open garage doors and … [read more]

March 28, 2017 12:29 PM

The Good Neighbor Project is, foremost, about partnership between neighbors. It is about developing multiple, creative ways to become involved in our neighbors’ lives-for example, by building a community garden, organizing a neighborhood clean-up day, or planning a block party. Crime … [read more]

March 23, 2017 6:35 AM

A Message From Your Langdon Neighborhood Officer Hopefully you are all enjoying the nice weather out, as Spring has arrived! Even though the students spent the last few months stressing out over the exam period and end of semester deadlines, I’m happy to report that the Langdon … [read more]

March 22, 2017 10:15 AM

The Good Neighbor Project MPD’s new Crime Prevention Coordinator, Emily Samson is bringing a new twist to our Neighborhood Watch program. Officer Samson has been very busy since being asked to revitalize and update our neighborhood safety initiatives. Part of that new look is to … [read more]

March 13, 2017 2:18 PM

Hello! With the coming of spring and the warmer weather, many of us open our windows and doors to get some fresh air after the long winter. Unfortunately, there are those who will take advantage of easier access to your home at any time of year. Recently we've had some burglaries … [read more]

March 3, 2017 6:54 PM

If you follow the police beat in the paper, recent news coming out of the North and East sides has rocked the community. Earlier this week we witnessed the death by homicide of a young man on East Washington Ave. The week prior, four young men were seriously injured further out on The Ave. … [read more]

January 20, 2017 10:15 AM

The Burglary Crime Unit, (BCU) is responsible for investigating both commercial and residential burglaries throughout the city. The unit consists of 4 Detectives, 1 Intelligence Officer, 1 Pawn Program Assistant and 1 Detective Sergeant. Due to a long term illness, the unit had to work 1 person … [read more]

December 19, 2016 10:20 AM

During the holidays practice the following safety tips: If leaving for several days put a stop on mail and newspaper delivery. Use several timers that can be placed at different locations in your home. Make arrangements for snow removal. Always lock windows and doors. Don’t post … [read more]

December 9, 2016 2:59 PM

Remember No Shovels, No Snow, No work needed. The Madison Police Department and Madison Area Crime Stoppers need your help in identifying suspects in a rash of burglaries that occurred Wednesday, December 7th between 1pm and 5pm. In these cases the suspects report looking for work shoveling … [read more]

November 18, 2016 9:29 AM

With the winter chill in the air and the approaching holiday season, Madison Crime Prevention Unit has several tips for your safety. Your personal safety should always be on your mind when out shopping and in the public. During the holiday season people are usually distracted by their … [read more]

October 11, 2016 1:41 PM

The Madison Police Department and Madison Area Crime Stoppers needs your help in identifying suspects in criminal damage and theft from vehicle cases. Over the last three months Madison’s East side has seen a dramatic increase in thefts from vehicles. Over this last weekend a BB gun was … [read more]

October 5, 2016 9:38 AM

September 2016 Blog The Central District Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO) is tasked with a wide range of responsibilities. One of the larger responsibilities is to serve as a liaison to the recently constructed high-occupancy or high-rise apartment buildings, which are becoming more … [read more]

September 14, 2016 8:19 AM

Watch Wednesday Watch Wednesday is an opportunity for current Neighborhood Watch programs or those interested in Neighborhood Watch to learn about the start up process and how to sustain a successful program. Date: September 21st Time: 7pm – 9pm Location: Madison Police … [read more]

September 9, 2016 2:05 PM

Watch Wednesday is an opportunity for current Neighborhood Watch programs or those interested in Neighborhood Watch to learn about the start up process and how to sustain a successful program. Date: September 21st Time: 7pm – 9pm Location: Madison Police Department Training … [read more]

August 22, 2016 10:22 AM

With UW-Madison classes starting on September 6th the bars in downtown Madison will once again be filling up. As a reminder, the Central District Community Policing Team offers a free Tavern Safety Training for any bar or liquor establishment upon request. The main emphasis of the … [read more]

August 5, 2016 1:58 PM

The Madison Police Department and Madison Area Crime Stoppers need your help in identifying suspects with suspicious behavior. With an increase in burglaries city-wide, the Madison Police Department needs your help reporting suspicious activity. A technique used last week was the knock and … [read more]

August 5, 2016 11:49 AM

CRASE, an intriguing acronym, stands for Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events. It's probably not something any of us ever imagined we could use. But now we know, these tragic, senseless events could happen anywhere, anytime. So we ask ourselves if there is anything we can do to prepare for … [read more]

July 19, 2016 9:01 AM

AUTO THEFT PREVENTION STRATEGIES: Make sure your overhead and side garage doors are closed and locked, even when you are at home. Keep your vehicle doors locked when parked in your driveway or garage overnight. Suspects are taking garage door openers which would allow them to gain access … [read more]

July 11, 2016 10:16 AM

On the first holiday weekend of the summer season Officer Tim Harder saw an opportunity to prevent problems from erupting. On May 28th the methadone clinic on Madison's East side had a large overflow of clientele due to a computer problem. This was also aggravated by the fact that the clinic … [read more]

July 8, 2016 10:02 AM

The Burglary Crime Unit reports a recent case in which the suspect gained entry into a residence by cutting the screen to an open window. With the warmer weather it is common for people to leave windows open. Open windows on the first floor provide a tempting opportunity for a suspect. If … [read more]

July 8, 2016 8:21 AM

Within the last several months the Williamson Street Neighborhood has seen an increase in property crimes, especially theft from autos. The Madison Police will be walking the area on Jennifer, Spaight and Morrison streets this morning to distribute flyers. A copy of the flyer … [read more]

July 6, 2016 3:29 PM

The Violent Crime Unit or VCU, is a specialty unit formed within the Investigative Services Unit. The unit began in February 2015 and consists of one Detective Sergeant, six detectives and one agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). VCU works closely with the Dane County … [read more]

July 5, 2016 11:29 AM

Whether your child is leaving the protection of the nest for the first time or your parent is moving to assisted living, we worry about them. They may be vulnerable to thieves. Sometimes bad people target these two groups if they are perceived as easy targets. What can you … [read more]

June 29, 2016 4:55 PM

MPD is seeing an increase in theft from auto incidents in the West District this summer. Some simple steps can reduce your chances of being victimized: Keep your vehicle locked with the windows rolled up, even if parked in your driveway. Do not keep valuables in your vehicle. To the … [read more]

June 20, 2016 9:20 AM

The Madison Police Department’s Crime Prevention Tip of the Week. Motion light verses dusk to dawn light. Which light should you choose to best protect your property? Motion lights are so common that they may be viewed like car alarms. When the public hears a car alarm they no longer … [read more]

June 15, 2016 12:52 PM

Gangs A group of three or more persons who have a common identifying sign, symbol, or name and whose members individually or collectively engage in engage in a pattern of criminal activity. Why Do Kids join Gangs Drawn to parties Looking for sense of … [read more]

June 13, 2016 1:11 PM

Here are some tips/reminders from the City's Information Technology department about summer travel and internet use: Avoid publicly posting details of where and when you’ll be traveling. When you reveal these specifics, you are providing information that could be used by criminals to target … [read more]

June 6, 2016 1:20 PM

Maintenance is another concept of CPTED. CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Maintenance refers to the idea of the continued use of a space for an intended purpose. This is done by keeping the property maintained and landscape managed. If locks, windows, doors, … [read more]

June 1, 2016 10:18 AM

Territorial Behavior is the fourth concept of CPTED. CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. This refers to the development of ownership. This is done through fences, landscaping, and pavement treatments. This gives the visitor the sense of where your property … [read more]

May 23, 2016 11:01 AM

Natural Surveillance is a CPTED concept. CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Natural Surveillance is the placement of structures, landscaping features, activities, and people in a way that maximizes your view of the area. This allows you to see what is around … [read more]

May 11, 2016 11:04 AM

Natural Access Control is a CPTED concept. CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Natural Access Control is defined as a means to control access to the business or house. People are guided through the space by the placement of sidewalks, entrances, and … [read more]

May 11, 2016 9:11 AM

Greetings, MG& E has contacted the Madison Police Department to assist in spreading the word on upcoming work on MG&E home meter replacement. With the reoccurring fraud cases involving scam artists claiming to be with MG&E, the real staff team thought it prudent to share this … [read more]

May 4, 2016 9:56 AM

Designer Drugs: Synthetic Marijuana An emerging trend in the drug world is the use synthetic cannabinoids or synthetic marijuana. Synthetic cannabinoids are psychoactive substances that are chemically similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the active ingredient in marijuana) and are … [read more]

May 2, 2016 1:36 PM

CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. During the next three weeks I will share these concepts with you. The concepts involved in CPTED are Natural Access Control, Natural Surveillance, and Territorial Reinforcement. If you have questions about crime prevention … [read more]

April 28, 2016 8:21 AM

Prevent burglaries – Lock your doors and windows! As the warm weather is upon us, many of us will be leaving more doors and windows open to let in the warm fresh air. When leaving your homes or apartments in this warmer weather, please remember that doors and windows should be shut and locked … [read more]

April 19, 2016 9:06 AM

A new scam comes from the phone number of 360-234-2061. The suspect identifies himself as Dennis Gray. He reports to be from the Treasury Department and that you may have legal action taken against you if you don't respond. Several key words that are used in this scam are: … [read more]

April 18, 2016 2:55 PM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. We need your help. The Madison Police Department and your neighbors need your help in stopping burglaries. As a member of the Madison community remind your neighbors and friends to close and lock front and back doors, … [read more]

April 14, 2016 12:07 PM

On April 19th the Special Investigations Unit will be holding it’s 10th Notification for violent repeat offenders in our community. SIU has notified 99 offenders to date and will be adding 10 new participants to the program. It is a powerful meeting to watch and is open to the public. You will … [read more]

April 4, 2016 2:21 PM

The Criminal Intelligence Section of the Madison Police Department is made up of one Sergeant, three Officers, and three Crime Analysts. This unit provides investigative support for the Police Department. The unit works on a variety of long term projects and short turn around projects at the … [read more]

March 28, 2016 9:13 AM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Prevention Unit need your help in stopping home improvement scams. With warmer temperatures Madison may see an increase in home improvement scams. The Scammer goes door to door offering to do repairs on your home or driveway. The important thing to … [read more]

March 16, 2016 12:14 PM

An ounce of prevention: As families and students leave for their much deserved spring break we are asking that they add one ounce of prevention to whatever they are having. Bad guys look forward to spring break also. They will be looking for easy scores. MPD will be increasing their … [read more]

March 15, 2016 10:00 AM

The Madison Police Department reminds you to always lock your bike. With the warmer weather many Madison residents take to the road on bikes. Remember these tips when it comes to bike theft prevention. Invest in a good quality lock Lock your bike Record the description and serial … [read more]

March 8, 2016 11:38 AM

Know your money. We have seen an increase in counterfeit bills being circulated in Madison. So far this year there has been 50 reports made of counterfeit bills. There are numerous security features in our currency. Follow the link to see the … [read more]

February 29, 2016 1:37 PM

The Madison Police Department reminds you to lock your doors, windows, and garage. Many of our burglaries are crimes of opportunity. With the change in seasons we enjoy more time outside. Remember that leaving a door unlocked or a garage door open may seem reasonable, especially if you are … [read more]

February 24, 2016 9:25 AM

Officers from the South District Community Policing Team (CPT) were out last weekend canvassing neighborhoods that were hit by recent thefts from autos. Officers put flyers on cars to remind residents to keep their cars locked and to hide valuables when cars are left parked. The South CPT will … [read more]

February 23, 2016 9:17 AM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. It appears that the IRS scam calls are making its way around Madison again. Do not call back any number that is left on your voicemail from someone claiming to be from the IRS. To schedule a personal safety course for … [read more]

February 10, 2016 8:16 AM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. “Come in the door is unlocked” How many times have you heard this or have you ever said it? A well known criminal technique is to knock on the door to see if someone is home. If the door is unlocked and you are in … [read more]

February 1, 2016 11:00 AM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. This time of year it is a good idea to check your credit card charges and confirm that there are no suspicious charges or transactions. It is also a good time to change online passwords while you are checking your … [read more]

January 28, 2016 9:51 AM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. We need your help. The Madison Police Department and your neighbors need your help in stopping the ongoing theft from unlocked vehicles. Remember to lock your car. Lock your car, close your garage door, and report … [read more]

January 26, 2016 4:34 PM

There have recently been a number of overnight thefts from autos in the South District and a majority of the incidents have involved cars that were left unlocked. Crime prevention requires a team approach with efforts from both the police and the community. Please consider the … [read more]

November 24, 2015 8:19 AM

Recuerde prestar atención a sus alrededores. Recuerde no exhibir su dinero o sus tarjetas de crédito antes o después de pasar por el punto de pago. No deje su billetera en un lugar sin mantener contacto con esta. Mucha gente se olvida y deja su billetera donde esta la … [read more]

November 23, 2015 8:50 AM

Remember to be aware of your surroundings. Remember not to expose your cash or credit cards before or past the point of purchase. Don't set your wallet down without keeping a hand on it. Many people forget and leave their wallets at the register. Electronic items like phones and tablets … [read more]

November 10, 2015 11:51 AM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week! The IRS scam is making its way around the Madison area again today. In this scam a message is left for you to call back the IRS at a specific phone number. Madison Crime Prevention Unit has received two new IRS scam … [read more]

October 30, 2015 2:19 PM

The Madison Police Department’s Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. Don’t leave your purse, wallet, or phone unattended. Keep your hand on your purse, wallet, or phone when setting it on a counter or in a shopping cart. This will help prevent theft and also remind you to put it away … [read more]

October 7, 2015 10:40 AM

Safety Tips Many of us practice personal safety measures every day without thinking about it or being able to put our own safety practices into words. The reality is that you could do everything right and still be a victim of a crime. This is because the suspect is choosing their target … [read more]

September 22, 2015 1:51 PM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. Skimmers are in Madison. This crime involves two pieces of equipment A card reader A pin hole camera viewing the keypad Skimmers are devices that are placed over the card reader on ATMs. This allows the … [read more]

September 17, 2015 3:45 PM

Property owners play an important role in our community. Landlords who engage in irresponsible property management can have an adverse impact on a neighborhood. MPD regularly works with property owners to cooperatively address issues that impact quality of life for our citizens. One strategy … [read more]

September 17, 2015 9:40 AM

Solicitors at Your Door From time to time during the year, groups and organizations canvas the community selling items ranging from candy, magazines, and home improvement products. In the past few days, the Central District has experienced a group of 20 young adults attempting to sell … [read more]

August 11, 2015 11:09 AM

Be careful when using Craigslist for job opportunities. The latest scam starts with the victim contacting the possible employer for a position as a personal assistant. The job would require that the victim receive mail and cash checks. What ended up happening was that the suspect would issue … [read more]

August 6, 2015 11:16 AM

Thanks to everyone who stopped out at Elver Park on Tuesday night for MPD's National Night Out event: [read more]

August 4, 2015 1:48 PM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. Wednesday, April 15th is long past us but this scam keeps showing up. This week we have seen an increase in the IRS scam. In this scam a voicemail message is left for you to call back the IRS at a specific phone … [read more]

July 23, 2015 1:11 PM

MPD's West District will host this year's National Night Out event. This year's National Night Out is August 4, and the event will be at Elver Park (1250 McKenna Blvd.). MPD's Mounted Patrol and K9 unit will be present, as well as MPD squad cars and specialized vehicles. There will also be … [read more]

May 8, 2015 4:36 PM

Since the beginning of this week there have been at least 14 theft from auto incidents in West District. Many, if not all of the vehicles were left unlocked. Low-value items were reported taken - sunglasses, spare change, etc. Vehicles were entered during the overnight hours from approximately … [read more]

May 1, 2015 11:44 AM

On April 30th, 2015, the newly created Burglary Crime Unit ventured out to the streets with one main objective: to bring awareness to community reference open garage door burglaries. Around 5PM, 5 Detectives, 1 Detective Sergeant, and 2 Analysts made their way to sections of the community that … [read more]

April 23, 2015 10:31 AM

West District Officers Tom Grosse and Scott Favour put together this short video with some helpful burglary prevention tips: These are the materials used in the above video: Home Depot: Quantity Description SKU# … [read more]

April 20, 2015 9:22 AM

West District officers Tom Grosse and Scott Favour put together this short video with some helpful burglary prevention tips: [read more]

April 7, 2015 11:59 AM

Hello from the Central District Community Policing Team! As the weather warms up, we imagine many of you will be eager to get out of your house and enjoy the many restaurants and taverns in the downtown area of Madison. We want to share some simple safety tips you can use to prevent crimes … [read more]

March 27, 2015 8:50 AM

Next week, students from the Madison Metropolitan School District and the UW-Madison will be among those on Spring Break, heading to beaches and other (hopefully warmer) vacation destinations. In an effort to help curb burglaries during this time, Madison Police has partnered with a number of … [read more]

March 2, 2015 10:20 AM

It is often overlooked but vitally important in property crimes investigations to have the serial number or some other distinct marking recorded by the victim. A quick cell phone photo of the serial number or a picture of the receipt or both are hugely important when investigators are … [read more]

December 12, 2014 1:34 PM

Recently, a number of citizens have called to report that they have received scam phone calls where the caller ID reads 608-261-9694, the number for our Central District administrative office. The scammer pretends to be a police officer and demands some type of payment or financial information … [read more]

September 8, 2014 11:08 AM

Residential burglaries have been one of the main issues that West District personnel have been working to address this year.  Earlier in the year, our residential burglary numbers in the West District were up (compared to 2013), particularly in a focused geographic area (along the Raymond Road … [read more]

August 4, 2014 10:31 AM

Many of us are travelling near and far during the summer months and are often eager to share pictures and updates with friends and family via social media sites.  While you may be anxious to share pictures of your time away from home, please think about the following ideas when posting … [read more]

July 22, 2014 1:08 AM

Have you thought about getting an alarm at your home?  It is a personal choice that certainly does not come without additional expenses.  As an alarm owner for the past 17 years at three different properties, here are a few tips and ideas I can share for you to consider if you have decided to … [read more]

June 30, 2014 9:31 AM

Have you ever wondered how secure your doors and locks really are in your home?  This week, we encourage you to take a few minutes and examine the locks on the doors leading into your home from your garage.  Deadbolts should be used on every exterior door if possible.  Many garage doors … [read more]

June 19, 2014 11:18 AM

Since many of us have been checking the exteriors of our homes lately for storm related damage, we thought we would share a few burlgary prevention considerations to ponder as well...  • Are your shrubs and bushes trimmed back so there is no place for someone to hide? • Are tree canopies … [read more]

June 5, 2014 1:42 PM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Prevention Unit need your help in stopping “Grandma” scams…you may have heard of these before.  Crime Stoppers received two recent reports of the “Grandma” scam in the Madison area. Here is how the scam works…A victim answers the phone and the … [read more]

May 29, 2014 12:36 PM

With warmer temperatures, Madison may see an increase in home improvement scams and we need your help in stopping them. In 2013, one of the top scams reported was a “repair person” going door to door and offering to do repairs on homes or driveways.  These were always unsolicited visits … [read more]

May 19, 2014 11:29 AM

As the weather finally warms this week, many of us will be airing out our homes and opening windows to enjoy the spring air.  When you leave your homes this week, please remember that windows should be shut and locked if you are leaving your home unoccupied.  Opportunistic burglars are also … [read more]

March 14, 2014 9:56 AM

There has been an increase in residential burglaries in the West District over the last few weeks.  District personnel are investigating these incidents, and will employ a variety of strategies to address this trend.  Citizens can help us by taking some simple preventative steps: Keep … [read more]

December 13, 2013 1:39 PM

Unfortunately, the holiday shopping season also means an increase in the number of retail thefts that MPD officers respond to.  Some of these incidents involve sophisticated schemes, involving multiple people and stores.  Losses for businesses can run into the tens of thousands of … [read more]

November 20, 2013 2:35 PM

As the City of Madison and the Central District continue to experience thefts, robberies and burglaries with smart phones being the target, the article and news clip show the magnitude of the issue. Video: Inside the hidden tech battle over a smart phone "kill switch" There's a hidden … [read more]

November 18, 2013 1:26 PM

During the past two weeks, the East Police District has received numerous reports of theft from vehicles in the area of East Towne Mall. Some vehicles have had their windows broken and items taken from the vehicle, others have had unlocked doors. District officers are aware of this increased … [read more]

November 7, 2013 2:40 PM

Residential burglaries continue to be an area of concern in the West District.  Taking some simple steps can help prevent you from becoming a victim: Keep your doors and windows locked, even while at home. Keep your garage door closed, and lock any door from the garage to the … [read more]

October 14, 2013 1:30 PM

Unfortunately, thefts from vehicles continue to be an all-too frequent offense., In fact, more than 300 thefts from motor vehicles have been reported in the West District so far this year., These incidents are very difficult to investigate after the fact, so doing what you can to avoid being a … [read more]

October 11, 2013 8:37 AM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Stoppers need your help in identifying suspects in the passing of counterfeit bills. On Friday, October 4th at 7pm, two counterfeit bills were passed on Madison's west side. The suspects washed a $5.00 bill and copied the information from a $100 … [read more]

August 7, 2013 1:36 PM

During the past few weeks, the Northside of Madison has been experiencing a sudden increase in incidents where vehicles parked on the roadway or in driveways, are damaged, including broken windows, dents and other damage. In these cases, the suspects are not attempting to steal, and their … [read more]

July 10, 2013 2:02 PM

  The Madison Police Department's Public Information Office is fortunate to have Ms. Cassidy McDonald from the University of Notre Dame interning with us this summer. Please take a moment to watch this short video report put together by Ms. McDonald reviewing some of the past problems at Penn … [read more]

April 22, 2013 12:00 PM

As the weather slowly turns toward Spring, the buzz of activity downtown has begun. This coming weekend will be a busy time around the Capital Square. The ever popular Farmers Market and the 32nd Crazylegs Classic event will bring thousands of people together this Saturday morning … [read more]

April 1, 2013 9:59 AM

A number of West District citizens have been the victims of financial scams in recent weeks. These scams can take several forms: A stranger calls and notifies the citizen that he/she has won a large prize (cash, a car, etc.), but that they need to send in a fee to collect their prize. … [read more]

September 1, 2012 8:21 AM

As the hot summer winds down, the West District has been active. The last few weeks have seen a number of weapons offenses in the district, particularly in the Theresa/Bettys and Balsam/Russett neighborhoods. West District personnel continue to investigate these individual incidents, and … [read more]

July 1, 2012 8:41 AM

By Police Officer, Jodi Nelson The North Police District has started an initiative this summer involving both Sherman and Blackhawk Middle Schools along with police officers from the North District. Prior to the school year ending, Captain McLay, Lieutenant Strasburg, and I met with the … [read more]

May 1, 2012 8:33 AM

Problem-Solving: Budget Motels Following the values of trust based policing the East District has been working with the community to solve some local issues. Over the last several years some of the budget motels in the East District have seen a spike in the number of calls for service to … [read more]

April 1, 2012 8:20 AM

Property crime in the Central District is of great concern for MPD. We know the number of property crimes would decrease if “targets of opportunity” were reduced. A walk through your neighborhood would illustrate the point. Walk your block and look at the cars that are parked in parking lots … [read more]

April 1, 2012 8:20 AM

Ahhhh, springtime! Windows are thrown open to air out the house, car windows are rolled down to purge the stale winter air, bicycles are in the driveway and the garage door is up so the kids can put their bikes back in all while you’re catching up with the neighbors in your own backyard so why … [read more]

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