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Chief Koval's Blog

MPD Daily Significant Calls 08/19/2017 to 08/20/2017

August 20, 2017 10:26 AM

From 5:30 a.m. on 08/19/2017 through 5:30 a.m. on 08/20/2017, MPD received ­­­­350 calls for service.  This number does not include parking complaints or 911 misdials.

1) WEST: Missing Juvenile - 8:16 a.m.  Complainant/mother responded to the West District station to report her 16 year old daughter (HF) missing.  Complainant advised that her daughter left home yesterday at 10 a.m. to go to work.  Complainant discovered that her daughter did not appear at work and has not returned home since leaving. Complainant has learned through social media sites that her daughter appears to be with friends in the Milwaukee area. Daughter is a frequent runaway, no medical/psychiatric concerns. Daughter returned home at 1:08pm.

2) NORTH: Found Person - 8:49 a.m.  Officers responded to the area of Northport Dr/Packers Ave for report of a found child.  Caller reported observing an unescorted juvenile, approximately 5 years old (WF), walking on the sidewalk. Officers arrive and talked to the child who is unable to advise them of a home address or parent's name or telephone number.  Officers ultimately determined that the child lives at an address on the 1900 block of Northport Dr.  Officers take the child to this address and are met by concerned mother.  Apparently, the child snuck out of the home while the family was sleeping.  This was not the first time this has happened.  Child was returned to her parents and options for making the home more secure were discussed. Dane County Human Services (DCHS) was notified.

3) NORTH: Theft of Guns - 10:20 a.m.  Officers responded to residence on W. Karstens Ave., reference a report of theft of guns. Complainant reports that two loaded handguns were taken from her residence at an unknown time within the last week.  Guns may have been taken while the complainant was undergoing a move.  Complainant noted that she did receive help in moving, from a large AAM who offered to help her.  Complainant acknowledged that she did not know this individual personally and has no contact information for him.  Investigation continuing.

4) CENTRAL: Check Person – 3:08 p.m.  MPD dispatched to contact a 20 year old AAM regarding a Chapter 51 return to Winnebago (mental health petition).  Officers are able to make contact with the subject and respond to a local hospital for a medical clearance prior to transporting him back to Winnebago. After the medical clearance, the subject was escorted towards the squad car and he attempted to escape.  The subject was captured and an officer was injured in the process.  The subject was then conveyed back to Winnebago by other officers.

5) NORTH: Kidnapping/Abduction – 3:10 p.m.  Officers were dispatched to the area of Troy Dr and Toban Dr, for a toddler that was alone near a bus stop.  Caller reported that they were going to call about the child walking into the road, when a vehicle appeared to pick the child up.  It was unclear if the person in the vehicle knew the child or not.  Officers did extensive work reviewing traffic cameras as well as canvassing the neighborhood.  Ultimately, MPD was able to locate the mother of the missing child, who indicated that the driver who picked up her child was her cousin.  The child is safe.  CPS is involved. 

6) EAST: Drug Investigation - 4:10 p.m.  Officers were dispatched to Dick's Sporting Goods at East Towne Mall, for found drugs.  Store employees turned over a bag of drugs, which turned out to be 9.1 grams of crack cocaine.  Prior to officers' arrival, the suspect (heavyset AAM) did come back to the store, looking for his bag.  The suspect quickly departed.  Officers have video and a vehicle description and are trying to establish identity.  Drugs are in evidence storage at MPD.

7) SOUTH: 4th Degree Sexual Assault - 5:15 p.m.  MPD was dispatched to contact an employee, a 20 year old female, from Goodman Pool who alleges a 4th degree sexual assault.  The suspect, a 23 year old WM, was arrested for 4th degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct.

8) CENTRAL: Check Person - 7:29 p.m.  MPD dispatched to Willy Street Pub & Grill reference a subject causing a disturbance.  Officers arrive on scene and a 47 year old WM subject is pacing back and forth and clearly in an agitated state of mind.  Officers attempt to dialogue with the subject for several minutes as the subject threatens to kill police.  Subject throws a metal ash can towards officers and aggresses towards the officers.  The subject is stabilized and detained.  Ambulance was staging nearby and evaluated the subject and he is conveyed to a local hospital. Subject is schizophrenic and not taking medications as prescribed and may be under the influence of alcohol.  Subject is medically admitted at the hospital and will be evaluated later for an emergency detention petition, if necessary.

9) NORTH: Strong Armed Robbery - 9:35 p.m.  MPD dispatched to the area of Trailsway and N. Sherman Ave., reference a robbery.  Officers arrive on scene and locate the victim, 66 year old WF, and she states she got off the bus nearby and was pushed down from behind.  Victim sustained an abrasion to her knee and during the fall her glasses broke.  Victim states that due to the breakage of her glasses, she is unable to provide a suspect description but believes it was a male.  Victim's purse and contents were taken. Investigation continuing.

10) EAST: Check Area - 10:15 p.m.  MPD dispatched to the area of 700 Apollo Way reference two callers reporting possible shots fired.  Officers checked the area and are unable to locate evidence of shots fired.

11) CENTRAL: Prowler - 11:21 p.m.  MPD dispatched to the 1100 block of E. Johnson St. reference a subject that was looking into the caller's (31 year old WF) window and was scared off by the caller's dog.  Victim provides a suspect description.  Officers checked the area and were unable to locate the suspect. Approximately one hour later, the same suspect returns and again looks into the victim's window.  Officers are still in the area when the victim called for a second time and arrested a 53 year old WM. Suspect was arrested and charged for disorderly conduct and trespass.

12) CENTRAL: Battery - 1:27 a.m.  Officer was on routine patrol when he was flagged down by an employee of Chaser's Bar, 319 W. Gorham St., reference an unwanted subject. Officer responds to the establishment and made contact with the 24 year old WM suspect. Officer assesses the suspect for alcohol incapacitation and decides to place the suspect in protective custody. When officers go to place the suspect in handcuffs, the suspect resists and spits.  Subsequent investigation reflected that this same individual punched a 20 year old WM victim.  Suspect sustained a minor injury in attempts to take him into custody, and is transported to a local hospital for a medical clearance. While at the hospital, the suspect becomes combative and must be sedated.  Once cleared, the suspect will be charged with discharge bodily fluids at Peace Officer, battery, disorderly conduct, resisting, and trespassing.

13) WEST: Vehicle Fire - 4:30 a.m.  MPD dispatched to the 700 block of S. Gammon Ln., reference a vehicle on fire.  Officers arrived on scene and located a vehicle on fire. MFD arrives and investigation is ongoing.

Posted by: Chief Koval

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