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Chief Koval's Blog

MPD Significant Calls for Service 10/12/2018 to 10/13/2018

October 13, 2018 11:15 AM

The information contained in my blog is derived from notes provided by MPD Officers-In-Charge (OIC) at the end of their shifts. Most narratives represent early and preliminary information that was gathered by an OIC from those in the field who were actively working cases. The OIC is sharing what they were being told, in the moment. In many instances, facts and circumstances, even the type of crime listed, can change as officers, detectives and investigators continue their work.

From 6:00 a.m. on 10/12/2018 through 6:00 a.m. on 10/13/2018, MPD received 499 calls for service.  This number does not include parking complaints or 911 misdials.  For purposes of clarification, the following abbreviations are short-hand for race designations: W=White, AA=African American, NA=Native American, H=Hispanic, ME=Middle Eastern, A=Asian, MR=Mixed Race, U=Unknown.  MPD shifts are staggered as follows: 1st detail=7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 2nd detail=12 p.m. to 8 p.m., 3rd detail=3 p.m. to 11 p.m., 4th detail=8 p.m. to 4 a.m., 5th detail=11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

To further break down the 499 calls for service for the past 24-hours this is how the calls came in per district: Central (100), East (85), Midtown (83), North (63), South (53), West (72), and Other (43).  Other=these are calls for service that either do not have a sector listed or the sector is not in the City.  For example, if one of our officers assists another law enforcement agency, their sector is not listed in our districts so therefore it is listed under "other." 

1) SOUTH: Adult Arrested Person – 3:21 a.m.  Officers responded to the 1000 block of W. Badger Rd for a 911 disconnect call with sounds of a disturbance.  The victim (54-year-old AAF) and suspect (33-year-old AAF) were contacted.  Investigation revealed that a disturbance took place and a knife was involved.  The victim was injured by the knife but refused medical attention.  The suspect was arrested for disorderly conduct while armed, criminal damage to property, possession of drug paraphernalia and unlawful trespassing.  * This was a late call that did not make the previous 24-hour cycle call notes due to officers being involved at the scene and reports from the field were not yet typed. 

2) NORTH: Residential Burglary – 4:32 a.m.  Officers responded to a north side residence for a residential burglary.  Forced entry was made to the home and items were stolen from the home.  Investigation continuing.  * This was a late call that did not make the previous 24-hour cycle call notes due to officers being involved at the scene and reports from the field were not yet typed. 

3) SOUTH: Found Property – 8:55 a.m.  Officers responded to Lake Point Dr for a found loaded handgun.  The handgun was recovered.  Investigation continuing.   

4) EAST: Information/Check Person – 11:50 a.m.  A student made contact with a MPD Educational Resource Officer (ERO) with concerns over a dispute he was having with another student.  It was reported that the other student had access to a weapon.  No known threats towards any subjects were identified at this time.  Investigation continuing.  

5) SOUTH: Property Found – 10:44 am.  A manager for the Lake Point Place Apartments turned over a firearm which was found when cleaning an apartment.  Police contacted the former tenant (32 year old AF) by telephone but did not feel she was providing accurate or reliable information.  Investigation continuing.

6) NORTH: Traffic Complaint/Investigation – 12:48 pm.  Several callers reported seeing a vehicle hit a fence near E Washington and Continental and continue inbound on E Washington Ave.  Officers located the vehicle in the Aldi's parking lot and contacted the driver (29 year old WM) who was arrested for OWI.  Investigation continuing.

7) SOUTH: Missing Adult - 1:13 pm.  MPD was dispatched to Greenleaf Dr where parents reported their daughter (20 year old WF) had fled the residence sometime overnight and did not show up for work this morning.  A K-9 track and unmanned aircraft system (UAS)/drone search were attempted.  Hospitals and Metro were notified.  The subject was listed as missing and an ATL was aired.  An incident report was completed on the MPD website.  Additional resources will be mustered today in an attempt to locate this subject including mounted horse patrol and UAS.

8) SOUTH: Child Abuse - 3:52 pm.  A 911 caller reported concerns for the welfare of a child (9 year old AAF) seen crying in the driveway at a residence on Sundstrom St.  Officers responded and located a subject (33 year old AAF) who has bail conditions not to be at the residence.  This subject was arrested for misdemeanor bail jumping and taken to detox as she was intoxicated.  Child Protective Services was notified.

9) SOUTH: Domestic Disturbance – 7:47 pm.  Officers responded to Pike Dr for a report of a domestic disturbance.  Investigation reveals the suspect (48 year old AAM) punched the victim (34 year old AAF) and tore up the apartment during a fight. The suspect fled but was later located and transported to DCJ on multiple charges including domestic battery and disorderly conduct.

10) EAST: Road Rage/Hit and Run - 7:54 pm.  MPD was dispatched to a road rage incident near the intersection of N Stoughton Rd and Hwy 30 where an uninvolved caller reported two individuals in an argument, one of whom was being dragged by the fleeing vehicle.  Investigation reveals the victim (62 year old WM) confronted the passenger in a vehicle that was tailgating him and a physical altercation ensued.  The victim was transported to the hospital but suffered no significant injuries and was released.  The suspect has not been identified.  Investigation continuing.

11) MIDTOWN: Disturbance – 9:36 pm.  Officers responded to the 200 block of S Park St for a report of a disturbance between a victim (22 year old AAF) and a suspect (36 year old AAM) which involved a knife.  The suspect was arrested for DC while armed and taken to the DCJ.

12) NORTH: Check Person/Sexual Assault – 10:06 pm.  Officers were called regarding a female who showed up at a residence and indicated she had been kept by an unknown male against her will.  Officers responded to Packers Ave and made contact with the subject (36 year old WF) who is taken to a local hospital.  Investigation revealed a sexual assault may have occurred.  Investigation continuing.

13) MIDTOWN: Traffic Crash – 1:18 am.  Officers came upon a crash involving a motorized bike and a motor vehicle at the intersection of Park St and Regent St.   A 21 year old WM was operating a motorized bike southbound on Park St when he went through a red light and struck the side of a vehicle driven by a 23 year old WF.  The operator of the bike was transported to the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries.  Investigation continuing.

Posted by: Chief Koval

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