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Chief Koval's Blog

MPD Daily Significant Calls 04/21/2019 to 04/22/2019

April 22, 2019 10:07 AM


Today I'm pleased to release the first-ever Madison Police Department Accountability Report. As Chief, I am committed to transparency and feel that it is critical to maintain and improve trust with the community. There are certain aspects of police work that are essential to our work and to how the public views us. How (and how often) we use of force, how we investigate allegations of improper officer behavior, and how we operate emergency vehicles all qualify. This report contains data on these topics, and should reassure the community in the professionalism and integrity of MPD. While much of this data is already released publicly by other means, my hope is that this compilation presents the information in a more accessible way. My intent is to make this an annual practice.

Accountability Report 2018: /police/chief/blog/documents/AccountabilityRpt2018.pdf


The information contained in my blog is derived from notes provided by MPD Officers-In-Charge (OIC) at the end of their shifts. Most narratives represent early and preliminary information that was gathered by an OIC from those in the field who were actively working cases. The OIC is sharing what they were being told, in the moment. In many instances, facts and circumstances, even the type of crime listed, can change as officers, detectives and investigators continue their work.

From 6:00 a.m. on 4/21/2019 through 6:00 a. m. on 4/22/2019, MPD received 344 calls for service.  This number does not include parking complaints or 911 misdials.  For purposes of clarification, the following abbreviations are short-hand for race designations: W=White, AA=African American, NA=Native American, H=Hispanic, ME=Middle Eastern, A=Asian, MR=Mixed Race, U=Unknown.  MPD shifts are staggered as follows: 1st detail=7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 2nd detail=12 p.m. to 8 p.m., 3rd detail=3 p.m. to 11 p.m., 4th detail=8 p.m. to 4 a.m., 5th detail=11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

To further break down the 344 calls for service for the past 24-hours, this is how the calls came in per district: Central (50), East (77), Midtown (58), North (47), South (43), West (47), and Other (22).  Other=these are calls for service that either do not have a sector listed or the sector is not in the City.  For example, if one of our officers assists another law enforcement agency, their sector is not listed in our districts so therefore it is listed under "other". 

***East on Priorities from 2:37 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. on 4/21 due to calls for service. West on Priorities starting at 2:37 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on 4/21 due to limited resources.

1) NORTH: Found Person – 8:24 a.m.       Officers located a 2-year-old HM walking in the road alone on the 2900 block of Curry Pkwy. Shortly thereafter, his mother (27-year-old WF) called to report him missing. Investigation did not find any evidence of intentional neglect. CPS notified. Investigation continuing.

2) CENTRAL: Domestic Disturbance – 8:32 a.m.              Officers responded to the area of Rusk St and Linden Ave when they located a suspect (36-year-old WM) wanted from a domestic disturbance earlier in the day. A verbal argument began between the suspect and victim (44-year-old) WF) which escalated into a severe battery. The suspect was non-compliant upon contact with officers and a Taser was deployed. The suspect was taken into custody for multiple domestic charges, resisting and open intoxicants. Investigation continuing.

3) MIDTOWN: Death Investigation – 10:42 a.m.                  MFD assisted MPD in making entry at a residence in the 4900 block of Odana Rd to check the welfare of a 70-year-old WM.  The subject was found deceased. The subject had a history of medical problems. The Medical Examiner's Office responded to the scene and there were no signs of suspicious circumstances.

4) CENTRAL: Domestic Disturbance – 12:32 p.m.       Officers responded to a residence on W Gorham St for a domestic disturbance. The suspect (24-year-old AAM) and the victim (21-year-old WF) got into an argument and the suspect subsequently destroyed the apartment and damaged most the victim's property. The suspect was arrested for Criminal Damage to Property and Bail Jumping. Investigation continuing.

5) NORTH: Weapons Offense – 12:57 p.m.            Officers responded to the 1500 block of Delaware Blvd for reports of a weapons offense. One victim (14-year-old AM) had a handgun pointed at him by the suspect (39-year-old AM) after the suspect thought his actions were "disrespectful."  Later, the suspect's older brother/2nd victim (44-year-old AM) confronted the suspect, at which time the suspect again retrieves the handgun and pointed it at his brother. Upon contact with officers, the suspect denied that any of this took place. The firearm was recovered with six rounds in the magazine and the suspect was taken to jail for Disorderly Conduct While Armed and 2nd degree Reckless Endangering Safety. Investigation continuing.

6) WEST: Death Investigation – 2:03 p.m.              Officers responded to a local hospital for a death investigation involving a 4-year-old AM. The death appears medically related. The child was transported to a local hospital and life-saving measures were attempted but were ultimately unsuccessful. Investigation continuing.

7) EAST: Weapons Offense – 2:23 p.m.                   Officers responded to the 1200 block of Juniper Ave for a weapons offense. The suspect (12-year-old UF) threatened her mother with a butcher knife. When officers arrived, they forced entry and observed the suspect armed with a knife.  The suspect was taken into custody without incident and taken to a local hospital for a mental health evaluation. Investigation continuing.

8) EAST: Domestic Disturbance – 3:26 p.m.              Officers responded to an address on Dexter St to follow up on a domestic disturbance from earlier in the day in which the suspect (20-year-old AAM) took the victim's (21-year-old AAF) car and fled after an argument. The suspect also fled from officers. A K9 track was attempted. Probable cause exists for the suspect for Disorderly Conduct, Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Owner's Consent, Resisting/Obstructing, and an outstanding warrant. Investigation continuing.

9) NORTH: Check Person – 10:16 p.m.          Officers responded to the Locker Room Sports Bar for a suspect (27-year-old WF) who had been told multiple times by staff to leave and was arguing with patrons. When officers made contact with the suspect she did not cooperate and resisted arrest; kicking an officer in the face. The suspect was arrested and taken to jail on charges of Battery and Resist/Obstruct. Investigation continuing.

10) CENTRAL: Residential Burglary/Armed Robbery – 10:44 p.m.                 Officers responded to a residence in the 800 block of E Johnson St for a reported residential burglary. Three victims (26-year-old WM, 36-year-old WF, and 39-year-old WM) stated three AAMs, one carrying a handgun, entered their apartment and demanded money and marijuana and ultimately stole all three victims' cell phones. Investigation continuing.

Posted by: Chief Koval

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