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City-Wide Notable Calls

City-Wide Notable Calls 08/01/2024 to 08/02/2024

August 2, 2024 8:28 AM

chief blog

The information provided below is about some of the calls officers responded to over the last twenty-four (24) hours. Most narratives represent early and preliminary information that was gathered from those in the field who were actively working the cases. In many instances, facts and circumstances, even the type of crime listed, can change as the investigation unfolds.

From 6:00 a.m. on 08/01/2024 through 6:00 a.m. on 08/02/2024, MPD received 491 calls for service. This number does not include parking complaints or 911 misdials. A breakdown of the calls for service per district is as follows: Central (94), East (105), Midtown (74), North (68), South (69), West (71), and Other (10). "Other" is used for calls that either do not have a sector or the sector is not in the City. This would be used in the case of one of our officers assisting another law enforcement agency.


EAST: Check Person – 9:29 am. Officers made contact with a man who was reportedly acting erratically and was unable to respond coherently to questions. CARES also responded and the man was voluntarily transported to a hospital.

EAST: Theft – 9:42 am. The victim reported that $200 in cash fell out of her pocket and she saw the 58-year-old female suspect pick it up. The victim asked for the money back but the suspect refused to return it. Officers responded and the suspect then gave back the money. The suspect was cited for theft.

SOUTH: Disturbance – 12:25 pm. Officers responded to a residence where the 32-year-old male suspect attacked the victim and threw her belongings out of the apartment. The suspect was arrested and charged with resisting, disorderly conduct, battery, carrying a concealed weapon, possession with intent to deliver crack and possession with intent to deliver cocaine.

EAST: Traffic Crash – 4:26 pm. Officers responded to E Washington Ave and Schmedeman Ave where a 28-year-old motorcycle driver rear ended a vehicle. The suspect was cited for following too closely.

WEST: Assist EMS/Fire – 5:06 pm. MFD paramedics transported a 6 month old baby to the hospital where they noticed the child had pinpoint pupils and was in respiratory distress. Officers responded to the hospital. A toxicology screen came back clear. Officers were informed the baby was in stable condition and then cleared from the call.

SOUTH: Disturbance – 11:40 pm. Officers responded to a residence where the 53-year-old male suspect damaged property and strangled the victim. Officers developed probable cause to arrest the suspect for strangulation and disorderly conduct. Suspect is at large.

CENTRAL: Stalking Complaint – 11:55 pm. The victim reported that the 27-year-old female suspect was making repeated, unwanted contact with him. Officers issued the suspect a stalking letter but the suspect persisted. The suspect was then arrested for stalking.

Posted by: Chief Barnes

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