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Chief Koval's Blog

Community Forums with Chief Koval

August 19, 2014 2:40 PM

In an attempt to stay engaged with constituent questions and concerns, a number of community forums have been scheduled for the month of September.  These sessions are an opportunity to provide me with direct feedback and there will also be a representative from the hosting District should you want to convey thoughts specific to the area.  Hope to see as many of you as can make it!

Central District Neighborhood

Thursday, September 4
Lapham Elementary School: 1045 E. Dayton Street

West District Neighborhood

Thursday, September 18
Our Redeemer Church: 1701 McKenna Blvd

South District Neighborhood

Monday, September 22
Villager Mall Large Community Room: 2234 S. Park Street

South District Neighborhood

Tuesday, September 23
Predolin Hall at Edgewood College (Anderson Auditorium)

East District Neighborhood

Wednesday, September 24
East District Police Station: 809 S. Thompson Drive

North District Neighborhood

Thursday, September 25
North District Police Station: 2033 Londonderry Drive


Check out YouTube to see a video message from Chief Koval about these community forums:



Posted by: Chief Koval

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