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West Area Plan

May 10, 2024 Update: Draft Actions & Maps Markup, Frequently Asked Questions
A May 10, 2024 markup of draft actions and maps is available for review and commenting.  Comments submitted before June 10th will be compiled and reviewed as the Final DRAFT Plan is completed and for committee and commission review.  Comments received after June 9th will be compiled for committees and commissions as part of their review process.

A compilation of frequently asked questions, based off of questions and comments received online, via email, and in person, has also been prepared.  

The best way to keep up to date on this planning process is to join the project email list, which will provide information about public engagement opportunities and periodic status updates.  Signup is along the right side of this page, as are links to past meetings and project materials.

May 2, 2024 Update: Comment Summary, Plan Edit Highlights
City staff has reviewed and summarized hundreds of comments on the DRAFT Plan submitted by hundreds of stakeholders with a variety of perspectives. City staff is making edits to the current DRAFT Plan, balancing public feedback received with City plans and policies.  Highlights of edits can be found here.  

Following the late May/early June public meetings and review of additional comments and feedback, staff will develop a Final DRAFT for further review and comment by City boards, committees, and commissions, which may propose further edits. The Final DRAFT Plan, and any edits recommended by boards, committees, and commissions will ultimately be reviewed by the Common Council.  Resident comments on the Final DRAFT West Area Plan will be considered by City boards, committees, commissions, and the Common Council.  The Final DRAFT is tentatively estimated to be introduced for board, committee, and commission review in July.

West Area Plan Boundary Map

Planning Framework

The West Area and Northeast Area Plans will be the first created under the City’s new Planning Framework, which was adopted by the Common Council on August 2, 2022. With the new framework approach, the Planning Division will create 12 Area Plans over the next 8 to 10 years that will cover the entire City. With a timeline for covering the City and a consistent set of topics to be addressed, this approach will also ensure that people who have traditionally been underrepresented in planning processes will receive services, leading to greater equity in planning across the City.

Last Updated: 06/10/2024

Subscribe to Email List

Subscribe to the West Area Plan email list:

By participating on this list the Wisconsin Public Records Laws may subject your email address to disclosure to third parties. By selecting "Yes" you are requesting that we treat your email address that you have provided to this list as confidential and you are also stating that you would not participate in this service if the City is obligated to release your email address to such third party requesters.


Upcoming Meetings:
To be announced based on Common Council referral of a forthcoming final draft to boards, committees, and commissions.  

Past Meetings:
Open House/Public Meeting (transportation) - June 6, 2024: Slides
Open House/Public Meeting (land use, zoning) - June 3, 2024: Slides
Public Meeting (transportation) - May 30, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting (land use, zoning)- May 28, 2024: Video; Slides
Open House - May 20, 2024 
Public Meeting (zoning) - March 18, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 12, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 5, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 4, 2024: Video; Slides
TR-R Zoning Mtg - Jan. 31, 2024: Video; Slides
Urban Design Cmsn - Jan. 24, 2024: Video, Materials
BPC - Dec. 13, 2023: Video, Materials
Transportation Cmsn - Dec. 13, 2023: VideoMaterials
Plan Cmsn - Dec. 11, 2023: VideoMaterials
Plan Cmsn - Dec. 7, 2023: Video; Materials
Landmarks Cmsn - Dec. 4, 2023: Video; Materials
Open House - August 2, 2023: Boards
Public Meeting - July 26, 2023: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - July 18, 2023: Video; Slides
BPC - May 17, 2023: Video; Slides
Open House - May 10, 2023: Slides
Plan Cmsn - May 8, 2023: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 9, 2023: Video; Slides
Discussion Groups Summary
Public Meeting - February 13, 2023: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - February 6, 2023: Video; Slides
Zoom Poll Summary 
Discussion Groups Summary

Project Managers

Email Project Managers 

Linda Horvath, 608-267-1131
Ben Zellers, 608-266-4866