Commercial Avenue Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction

  • Date

    Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Location

    Virtual event

  • Registration

Event Description

This project will replace and upsize approximately 1,678 feet of sanitary sewer along the Commercial Avenue service roads on both the north and south sides of State of Wisconsin Highway 30 (Highway 30) and along North Fair Oaks Avenue. The project will also include an approximately 235 feet of sanitary sewer across Highway 30 that will be installed using trenchless bore and jack methods. No other public improvements are expected with this project.

The work under this contract shall include, but is not limited to, installation of sanitary sewer main (open trench and bore & jack methods), lateral reconnections, and asphalt pavement patching. 

A public information meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Aug. 28, 2024, via Zoom. Registration prior is required.

Aug. 28, 2024 Public Information Meeting Registration

If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to access this service, activity or program, please call the City of Madison Engineering Division at 608-266-4751 or email

Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor, materiales en formatos alternativos u otros arreglos para acceder a este servicio, actividad o programa, comuníquese inmediatamente al número de teléfono que figura a continuación.

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Learn more on the project page 

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