
Request to be Included on the Opt-Out from Public Records List

The City of Madison routinely collects data and maintains records relating to members of the public. These records are available for inspection upon request under the Wisconsin Public Records Laws. Additionally, the City often places some of this data online whereby anyone with internet access could access this data. The Wisconsin Public Records Laws permit the City to withhold any records that would endanger the life or safety of any individual.

Please fill out the Request to be Included on the Opt-Out from Public Records List form and mail or deliver the completed form to:

City of Madison Information Technology CIO
City of Madison Information Technology
210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Room 500
Madison, WI 53703

Public Records Information of My Account Users

Wisconsin Public Records Laws may subject your email address and other personal information to disclosure to third parties. Your email address and other personal information would only be provided to third parties through public records requests as required by Wisconsin Public Records Laws. The City of Madison has added a Public Records Opt-out feature to help protect the privacy of My Account users that elect to keep their information confidential.

The City will abide by your request for confidentiality to the point of opposing public records lawsuits aimed at forcing such disclosure, however, the City cannot guarantee that a court will not order such disclosure.
