Affirmative Action Plan
Contract Compliance is also responsible for monitoring the compliance of non-exempt contractors, developers, community-based organizations, vendors and suppliers with Madison General Ordinance 39.02 and their affirmative action plan.
Community-Based Organizations - Your community-based or non-profit organization has a contract with or receives funds from Community Services, CDBG or another City agency.
Individual Developers - You or your organization have no employees and must file an Affirmative Action Plan as a condition of your Development Agreement with the City of Madison.
Construction Projects - Your firm has a construction contract with the City of Madison, is applying for prequalification or is otherwise providing construction services.
Vendors and Suppliers - Your firm provides goods or services.
Good Faith Efforts
City of Madison Affirmative Action Plan Best Practices
Affirmative and direct action is required to make equal opportunity a reality and correct the effects of past patterns of inequality. It is the official policy of the City of Madison to provide equal employment and promotional opportunities and equal access to public services for all persons from all segments of the Madison community without regard to their;
race, religion, color, age, marital status,
disability, sex, national origin,
sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The practice of unfair discrimination in access to public services, employment, and contracting adversely affects the general welfare of the City. Because such practices have existed throughout Madison’s history, the mere passive prohibition of discriminatory practices is not sufficient to put this principle of equal opportunity into effect. The City of Madison requires similar efforts from entities with which it does business. It is not in the public interest for the City to purchase goods and services from vendors and contractors unless they demonstrate that they have taken affirmative action to ensure equal employment and sub-contracting opportunities.
The Affirmative Action (AA) Plan is designed to ensure that entities seeking to enter into a contract with the City of Madison are committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all. The AA Plan identifies targeted areas in which good faith efforts should be made to improve the utilization of applicants and employees who are women, racial/ethnic group members or persons with disabilities.