Campaign Finance Instructions
Campaign Finance Reports
Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes
Candidates must file campaign finance reports. Local candidates who do not have a primary do not need to file a pre-primary report.
Use form ETHCF-2L if there were transactions, and ETHCF-2NA if there were none. Local candidates don't need an Ethics ID Number.
Report | Reporting Period | Filing Deadline |
January Continuing | July 1 – December 31, 2024 | January 15, 2025 |
Spring Pre-Primary | January 1 - February 3, 2025 | February 10, 2025 |
Spring Pre-Election (if primary is held) | February 4 -March 17, 2025 | March 24, 2025 |
Spring Pre-Election (if no primary is held) | January 1 - March 17, 2025 | March 24, 2025 |
July Continuing | March 18 - June 30, 2025, or January 1 - June 30, 2025 | July 15, 2025 |
January Continuing | July 1 – December 31, 2025 | January 15, 2026 |
Candidates are exempt from filing a finance report if:
- They expect to not exceed $2,500 in total contributions, disbursements, loans, or other obligations for the calendar year.
- They sign an exemption request on the campaign registration statement.
Exempt candidates don't file reports. They must keep records in case contributions or expenses exceed $2,500. An exempt candidate may use a personal account as the campaign depository.
Revoking Exemption
If a candidate exceeds $2,500, they must amend their campaign registration statement. They must file a campaign finance report beginning with the next regular report. This report covers all activity from the time of registration or the date of their last report.
In-Kind Contributions
In-kind contributions are free or below-cost goods, services or property. An example would be a campaign worker purchasing stamps for a mailing. If they are not reimbursed, the value of the stamps is an in-kind contribution.
Donating consultant services to a campaign committee would be an in-kind contribution. Providing food for a fundraiser at below-market rates would be an in-kind contribution.
Prohibited Contributions
Wisconsin law prohibits:
- Anonymous contributions of more than $10
- Contributions in cash of more than $100
- Contributions given in the name of someone other than the contributor (laundered)
- Contributions from cooperatives or corporations
- Contributions that exceed limits set by law
Pre-Election Spending for Incumbents
Wisconsin Statute 11.33
Candidates must avoid using public funds for communications from December 1 through Election Day.
Continuing Reports
Wisconsin Statute 11.20
Candidates and committees may choose to stay registered after an election. They must file campaign finance reports until termination.
The January Continuing report covers activity from July 1 through December 31. The July Continuing report covers activity from January 1 through June 30.
Failure to File Reports
State Statute 11.20(13)
Fines may be imposed for not filing the reports required by law.
- Itemize every contribution (date, amount, name, and address). This even applies to donations of $20 or less.
- Anonymous donations of up to $10 per donor may be accepted. They must be itemized. Anonymous contributions of more than $10 must be donated to charity.
- Itemize every disbursement that exceeds $20.
- Individuals donating over $200 must have an occupation listed.
Committee Registration
- Political Action Committees and Independent Expenditure Committees register with the state. Conduits, and political parties register with the state.
- A referendum committee does not need to register until it collects or spends over $10,000 in a calendar year.
- A recall committee must register before circulating recall petitions.
- A committee may claim exempt status if it does not collect or spend more than $2,000 in a calendar year.
- An elected official may form a second committee to pursue another office.
Contribution Limits
Limits apply to the entire primary and election campaign. Local candidates can contribute unlimited personal funds. There is no limit on the amount of money a local candidate can spend on their campaign.
Campaign Finance Contribution Limits
Per campaign (2 to 4 years, depending on office)
Office | District Population (2020 Census) | Individual or Candidate Committee Limit | Political Action Committee Limit |
MMSD School Board | 262,019 | $5,240 | $5,240 |
Ald. District 1 | 13,021 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 2 | 14,253 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 3 | 14,362 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 4 | 13,401 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 5 | 13,819 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 6 | 13,604 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 7 | 13,975 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 8 | 13,951 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 9 | 13,226 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 10 | 13,657 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 11 | 13,554 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 12 | 13,647 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 13 | 12,510 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 14 | 10,321 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 15 | 13,853 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 16 | 13,863 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 17 | 14,257 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 18 | 14,282 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 19 | 13,344 | $500 | $400 |
Ald. District 20 | 13,028 | $500 | $400 |
Municipal Judge | 269,942 | $5,399 | $5,399 |
Mayor | 269,942 | $5,399 | $5,399 |
Wisconsin Statute 11.19
Candidates and committees may terminate after the election by filing a termination request. The termination report discloses the disposition of residual funds. If funds remain after all debts are paid, they may be disposed of using one or a combination of these options:
- Returned to donors in an amount not exceeding their original contribution
- Donated to a charitable organization or the Common School Fund
- Any political purpose not prohibited by law