Proof of Address
Proof of Address may be in paper or electronic format. It must include the voter's name and current address.
Acceptable Documents
- Utility bill issued within the last 90 days
- Bank statement
- Credit union statement
- Credit card statement
- Mortgage statement
- Current and valid Wisconsin driver license
- Current and valid Wisconsin identification card
- Paycheck
- Government-issued document (federal, state, county, municipal, tribal, UW, Madison College, or public school)
- Certified housing list from UW-Madison or Edgewood College (must show student ID)
- Check issued by a unit of government
- Real estate tax bill or receipt for the current year or the previous year
- Residential lease in effect on the day registering (cannot be used to register by mail)
- Contract or intake document issued when admitted to a nursing home or care facility.
- College fee statement issued in last nine months, with student ID card
- Affidavit from a social service agency if homeless (on letterhead, describing voter's residence)
- Official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit
- ID card issued by employer in normal course of business. Must have photo of cardholder. Cannot be a business card.
Government Documents
Not a comprehensive list
- Fishing and hunting licenses
- Vehicle registrations
- State Social Service Programs
- FoodShare / SNAP
- Wisconsin Works
- Wisconsin Shares
- BadgerCare notices and correspondence
- Medicare notices
- Medicare Explanation of Benefits (not from 2nd party or other health insurance providers)
- Social Security notices and benefits statements
- Public High School, Technical College, or Public University correspondence and documents including
- Admissions correspondence
- Financial aid notices
- Report cards
- Schedules
- MyUW-Madison / Student Center webpage screen
- Federal student loan correspondence and notices
- Billing statements and collection notices from a governmental entity
- Correspondence from a Native American Tribe
Electronic Proof
Proof of address can be electronic. These examples are government documents or utility bills.
- Madison Water Utility customers
Log in. Current utility bill appears at the top. - Medicare recipients
Log in. Click User Information under My Account tab. - Medicaid, BadgerCare+, FoodShare recipients
Log in. Click My Details under My Benefits. Click Contact Information. - MG&E customers
Sign in on left side. Utility bill appears with name and address on right side. UW-Madison students
Log in using your NetID and password.If this does not show your voting address, go to your “Student Center.” Edit mailing address near the bottom of the page.
Madison College students
Log in. Click on Go to my Student Center (usually upper left). Address is near the bottom of the Student Center page.To update address, click the menu to the left of the contact information box labeled other personal... Select Addresses. Click the little arrow button to the right. Edit the address on this screen. If using a mobile device: Select Dashboard, then Personal Information, then Address.
- South-Central Library cardholders
Log in (right side) with library card number and PIN. Click My Personal Details. - Dane County property owners who live on the property
Enter name or address. - Madison property owners who live on the property
Enter name or address.
Documents Not Accepted
Not a comprehensive list.
- Insurance statement
- Medical bill
- Business card
- Magazine subscription
- Expired driver license/ID card
- Out-of-state driver license
- Piece of mail addressed to voter