
  • Candidate Filing Deadline Extended for Two Offices

    The deadline to file papers to run for Alder in City of Madison District 18 has been extended to 5:00 pm Friday, Jan. 10. The filing deadline for the Madison Metropolitan School District Board of Education - Seat 3 is also extended to 5:00 pm Friday…

  • Disclosure of Unprocessed Absentee Ballots

    The goal of the Clerk’s Office is that each eligible voter will be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.

  • What to Expect at the Polls

    The City Clerk’s Office encourages voters to verify their polling location at before heading to the polls tomorrow. Redistricting in May changed some ward lines, which may affect where you vote.The busiest times at the…

  • Election Hero Day

    The Madison City Clerk’s Office is celebrating National Election Hero Day on November 4.Election Hero Day is a civic holiday that celebrates the heroic role of poll workers in keeping our elections fair, accessible, and transparent. In the City of…

  • Key Absentee Voting Deadlines

    Absentee voting for the November 5 General Election is coming to a close. Voters should be aware of some key deadlines:

  • How to Track Your Absentee

    The Madison City Clerk’s Office has issued absentee ballots to over 67,000 voters for the November 5 General Election, of which over 58,000 have been returned to be counted.Being able to verify that your absentee has been delivered to the Clerk’s…

  • Hospitalized Absentee Voting Begins Today

    Today is the first day for hospitalized voters to have an absentee ballot delivered to them in the hospital. This process is available until 5 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5.Hospitalized voters can initiate the process by appointing an…

  • Accessible Options for Voting

    The City Clerk’s Office want to make sure voters know about accessible options for the November 5 General Election.

  • Public Election Equipment Test Rescheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 30

    The public is invited to observe the City of Madison public test of election equipment on Wednesday, October 30. The public test will begin at 9:00 a.m. at 2713 E. Washington Ave.

  • Public Test of Election Equipment Postponed

    The City of Madison's public test of voting equipment scheduled for Saturday, October 26 has been postponed

  • Common Election Misconceptions

    The City of Madison Clerk’s Office would like to provide voters with facts regarding common misconceptions about the voting process.Myth: Your voter ID needs to show your current address.Fact:  The address on your Voter ID does not matter. When…

  • Mail It Back Monday – Make Sure Your Absentee Counts

    The Madison City Clerk’s Office has issued absentee ballots to 39,213 voters for the November 5 General Election. Over 17,000 of those absentees have yet to be returned to the City Clerk’s Office.If you plan to return your absentee ballot through…

  • What to Know About Observers

    Voters may notice individuals wearing Election Observer badges at in-person absentee voting sites or at the polls.Wisconsin allows anyone to observe the voting process as long as they are not a candidate on the ballot. Political parties, individual…

  • Election Checks and Balances

    Our election processes include checks and balances to ensure election integrity.ObserversYou may see individuals wearing Election Observer badges when you go vote. Observers play a role in keeping our elections transparent. Anyone can observe our…

  • Voter Registration “Closes” Tomorrow

    Wednesday, October 16, is the final day to register to vote online or by mail prior to the November 5 General Election.

  • Absentee Voting Begins Today in Care Facilities

    Voters in qualified nursing homes and assisted living facilities will be able to cast their absentee ballots this week.State law requires poll workers to bring absentee voting to absentee requestors in certain nursing homes and care facilities. The…

  • Ballot Buddies Provide Ballot Security

    Two poll workers are involved in nearly every process at the polls. Leading up to Election Day, the City Clerk’s Office has two people involved whenever absentee envelopes are handled. When working with ballots, Clerk’s Office personnel always make…

  • How Absentees Get Counted

    What happens to your absentee ballot once you return it to the Clerk’s Office?First the Clerk’s Office checks that the envelope is sealed and has the voter signature, witness signature, witness name, and witness address. If the certificate on the…

  • Voting as a College Student

    As we celebrate National Voter Education Week, the City Clerk’s Office has been answering questions from college students who are preparing to vote in their very first election.As a college student, you may either register to vote at your campus…

  • Celebrate National Voter Education Week

    The Madison City Clerk’s Office encourages voters to celebrate National Voter Education Week, October 7-11.Monday – Register to VoteVerify your voter registration at If you have moved since you last registered, even if it…

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