Centenarian Recognition Program

Celebrating City of Madison residents who are 100 years of age or older.

Are you 100 years old, or do you know someone who is turning 100? The Common Council acknowledges the contributions of our centenarians with this program to recognize their contributions to our community.

Please make requests 2 weeks before the Centenarian's birthday. The Mayor and the Common Council President will mail birthday greetings and a certificate honoring the special centenarian. Honorees must be City of Madison residents.

Please send the following information to the Common Council office:

  • Name of honoree (include Mr., Mrs., Ms. Miss, Mx., Dr., etc. if desired)
  • Current address of honoree
  • Birthday
  • Place of birth
  • Requestor's name and relationship to honoree
  • Requestor's phone number
  • Any specific mailing instructions, if other than to honoree's address

Send requests to:

  • Mail:
    Common Council Office
    Attn: Birthday Greetings
    210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
    Room 505
    Madison WI 53703
  • Fax: (608) 267-8669
  • Email: council@cityofmadison.com

Program History

On September 1, 2009 the Madison Common Council adopted a resolution honoring City of Madison Centenarians. Many states and municipalities across the country have programs to identify and honor their 100 year old citizens. Our centenarians hold the keys to longevity and quality of life. The Madison community continues to learn from their life experiences. The City Council acknowledges these contributions and adopted this program to recognize our centenarian citizens.

For more information, please contact the Common Council office at (608) 266-4071 or email council@cityofmadison.com.

Census show significant rise in centenarians, Cap Times, July 31, 2011

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