Alder District Maps View larger map Download PDF MapsAll Districts and Wards(opens in a new window)District 1(opens in a new window)District 2(opens in a new window)District 3(opens in a new window)District 4(opens in a new window)District 5(opens in a new window)District 6(opens in a new window)District 7(opens in a new window)District 8(opens in a new window)District 9(opens in a new window)District 10(opens in a new window)District 11(opens in a new window)District 12(opens in a new window)District 13(opens in a new window)District 14(opens in a new window)District 15(opens in a new window)District 16(opens in a new window)District 17(opens in a new window)District 18(opens in a new window)District 19(opens in a new window)District 20(opens in a new window)City of Madison WardsFind your voting location here(link is external) JavaScript Required You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Please enable JavaScript and reload the page. If you cannot enable JavaScript, please contact to provide your information. Was this page helpful to you? Yes No Why or why not? Leave this field blank Council Members Alders Collapsed District 1 - Alder Duncan District 2 - Alder Bennett District 3 - Alder Field District 4 - Alder Verveer District 5 - Alder Vidaver District 6 - Alder Rummel District 7 - Alder Wehelie District 8 - Alder Govindarajan District 9 - Alder Conklin District 10 - Alder Figueroa Cole District 11 - Alder Tishler District 12 - Alder Latimer Burris District 13 - Alder Evers District 14 - Alder Knox, Jr. District 15 - Alder Martinez-Rutherford District 16 - Alder Currie District 17 - Alder Madison District 18 - Alder Myadze District 19 - Alder Guequierre District 20 - Alder Harrington-McKinney Find My Alder Alder District Maps Government Resource Guide Run for Council Alder Onboarding Contact Council