New Business from the March 11, 2025, Common Council Meeting
postedWhat are Common Council New Business Summaries?
Common Council New Business Summaries help readers identify items they are interested in as they make their way through City Boards, Commissions, and Committees (BCCs) and back to the Common Council for a decision. This document provides a short description of each item that was introduced at the most recent Common Council meeting in the “Introduction of New Business for Referral Without Debate” section of the agenda, as well as any items introduced from the floor at the most recent Common Council meeting.
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so at the registration page. Further instructions for registering on an item can be found at the bottom of the page.
Items Introduced at the March 11, 2025, Common Council Meeting
If you click on the hyperlink on the file number of the item you are interested in, you can find more information about each item, including sponsors, action details, and the full item description.
87319 – This proposed ordinance would create an exception to the preservation of shoreline parks ordinance to allow the City to resolve a minor boundary issue with the adjoining property owner at Spring Harbor Beach Park at 1918 Norman Way in District 19. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87418 – This proposed ordinance would remove the licensing requirement of private ambulance services from Madison General Ordinances until a new procedure is developed. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Health for Madison and Dane County (4/2/25)
- Common Council (4/15/25)
87450 – This proposed ordinance would amend sections of the Zoning Code to allow for hotels to rent 50% of their rooms for stays of 30 consecutive days or more, which is currently allowed for motels. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 4/7/25)
- Common Council (4/15/25)
87332 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Parks Division to apply for and accept, if awarded, grant funding of up to $500,000 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources financial aid programs, which would be used for a portion of the costs of improvements for the Warner Park Southeast Area Development Project. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87402 – This proposed resolution would authorize contracting with inter-city bus companies to recoup City maintenance costs incurred at the Dutch-Mill Parking Lot and the future Lake Street Bus Terminal in District 2, District 8, and District 16. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (3/19/25)
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87403 – This proposed resolution would authorize a competitive service contract with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for planning and design engineering services for the Perry St overpass in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (3/19/25)
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87413 – This proposed resolution would authorize a non-competitive purchase of renewable diesel from Harland Fuel Products, LLC. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87419 – This proposed resolution would approve the issuance of a Request for Proposals for the redevelopment of Block 113, located at 1 South Butler Street in District 6. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87420 – This proposed resolution would amend the Community Development Authority 2025 Adopted Operating Budget to accept and appropriate a total of $25,359 of additional funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Public Housing Capital Grant Fund Program. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87421 – This proposed resolution would amend the Adopted 2025 Engineering - Major Streets and Traffic Engineering Capital Budgets to correct an error in the adopted budget that listed the project as utilizing borrowing in TID 51 rather than TIF increment. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87429 – This proposed resolution would approve the stormwater Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System annual report to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (3/12/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87444 – This proposed resolution would authorize the sale of 776 sq. ft. of Spring Harbor Beach Park at 1918 Norman Way in District 19 to the adjoining property owner for a sale price of $17,000. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25)
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87445 – This proposed resolution would authorize a noncompetitive purchase agreement with Precision Installations Inc. to custom upfit four 2025 Ford Transit vans for the CARES Program. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87449 – This proposed resolution would authorize Economic Development Division staff to submit an application for a $250,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Idle Sites Redevelopment Grant Program, which would be used to fund a portion of the cost of demolition at 1810 S Park St, 1901 S Park St, 814 North Ave and 826 North Ave in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87451 – This proposed resolution would adopt the “2024 State Street Pedestrian Mall Experiment Report.” This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87452 – This proposed resolution would authorize a $62,225 contract with Madison’s Central Business Improvement District and/or its fiscal sponsor to fund the continuation of the Downtown Activities Program focused on existing plazas around the Capitol Square and State Street in District 2, District 4, and District 8. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87472 – This proposed resolution would approve the final plat of First Addition to Hill Valley on land generally addressed as 1051 S Pleasant View Road and 1050 S High Point Road in District 1. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (4/7/25)
- Common Council (4/15/25)
87473 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to accept, on behalf of the City, $75,000 in 2025 Employment Grant funding from the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87474 – This proposed resolution would approve a Certified Survey Map of property owned by WI Development Partners, LLC located at 5001-5013 Femrite Drive in District 16. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (4/15/25)
87477 – This proposed resolution would respond to Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s recommendation on North Stoughton Road Project regarding Schmedeman Ave in District 12 by stating the City of Madison’s opposition to the elimination of the westbound left turn from East Washington Avenue onto Schmedeman Avenue. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (3/19/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87483 – This proposed resolution would adopt the updated Elected and Appointed Official Code of Ethical Conduct. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (3/25/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87484 – This proposed resolution would direct City staff to explore and study the possibility of providing early mediation between businesses. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Equal Opportunities Commission (3/13/25)
- Affirmative Action Commission (4/3/25)
- Common Council (4/15/25)
87491 – This proposed resolution would authorize a contract with Musonics LLC for exclusive beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center in District 12. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87493 – This proposed resolution would authorize the City to execute an agreement with Electrical Workers Local 159 Labor Management Cooperative Committee Fund Trust for permission to use portions of Olin Park in District 14 for its Holiday Fantasy in Lights Event, including installing holiday lighting and permanent infrastructure to support the lighting for the years of 2025-2030. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/17/25)
- Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
Providing Public Comment on Items:
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so on the meeting registration page. When you click on that link, you will see that there is a drop down for “Meeting,” where you select the BCC that you are wishing to register for. It is important to note that registration is only available once the BCC has published its agenda, which is typically done a few days ahead of the meeting. Once the agenda is published, you can select the meeting and choose the agenda number that aligns with the file number of the item you are interested in. From here, you can choose to register support or oppose the agenda item, if you would like to speak, if you are representing an organization or person other than yourself, and provide your contact information. If you would like to provide written public comment on an item to your alder, find your alder here. If you would like to send your feedback on the item to all alders, write to allalders@cityofmadison.com