Meeting and Event Highlights for the Week of March 24, 2025
postedBoards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
- Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 25, at 6:30 p.m. in hybrid format. Agenda items include a briefing on State Legislature Affairs from the Government Affairs Team.
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
- Hospitalized Absentee Voting Begins Today, Tuesday, March 25: Voters who are hospitalized may appoint an agent(opens in a new window) to pick up their absentee ballot from the City Clerk's Office, beginning today.
- Craft with Kids, Wednesday, March 26 (this event occurs on multiple dates): Be a part of this fun and rewarding intergenerational program. Once a month make crafts and have fun with a local preschool class! All you have to do is show up. If interested, please submit a volunteer application.
- Community Dinner, Sunday, March 30: Join Madison Parks at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center for a free community dinner! This event is free and open to the public.

- District 11 Book Club to Discuss Silent Spring by Rachel Carson – April 9 at Sequoya Library: In celebration of Earth Day, the District 11 Book Club will discuss Silent Spring by Rachel Carson on April 9th from 7:00–8:30 PM in the Sequoya Library’s main conference room. A limited number of copies will be available at the Ask Desk on a first-come, first-served basis. This casual, public event is open to all, and even if you haven’t finished the book, you're encouraged to attend and join the conversation!
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.
Announcements and News Releases

- How to Get Your Brush Collected in 2025: Brush collection for 2025 will start soon. Here’s what you need to do so Streets Division crews can collect the brush you made by trimming your trees, shrubs, or bushes:… [posted March 21, 2025]
- Update: Street Closure - East Wilson Street April 2 to mid-June: Starting Tuesday, April 2, East Wilson Street will be fully closed between S Pinckney Street and King Street for the continuation of the East Wilson Street reconstruction project. A detour will be in place to send westbound Wilson Street traffic to…[posted March 21, 2025]
- Update: Street Closure - 100 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard at Doty Street: Starting Wednesday, April 2, R.G Huston will close the 100 block of Martin Luther King Jr Blvd at Doty Street to repair concrete pavement within the intersection. The street will reopen the following Wednesday, April 9. See attached map… [posted March 21, 2025]
- How to Track Your Absentee Ballot: The City of Madison Clerk's Office has issued absentee ballots to 33,579 voters for the April 1 election. So far, 13,535 have been returned to be counted. More than 6,500 voters have cast ballots via in-person absentee voting. [posted March 21, 2025]
- Madison Arts Commission Seeks Artist for Landscape Mural at New Public Market: The City of Madison and the Madison Arts Commission are looking for an artist to design a vibrant native landscape mural for the highly-anticipated Madison Public Market. [posted March 20, 2025]
- Public Test of Election Equipment on Saturday : The public is invited to observe the City of Madison public test of election equipment this Saturday. The Clerk's Office intentionally schedules the public test on the weekend to make it accessible for the community. [posted March 20, 2025]
- Local Museums and Libraries Rally Support for the Institute of Museum and Library Services after Recent Executive Order: MADISON, WI—President Trump issued an executive order Friday night that would gut the only federal agency dedicated to supporting American museums and libraries. The Institute of Museum and Library Services is a government agency that provides critical funding to museums and libraries in all 50 states. [posted March 19, 2025]
- In-Person Absentee Voting Begins Today : In-person absentee voting for the April 1 election begins today. [posted March 18, 2025]
- Mail It Back Monday – Make Sure Your Absentee Counts : The City of Madison Clerk’s Office has issued absentee ballots to 24,492 voters for the April 1 election. Only 806 of those absentees have been returned to the Clerk’s Office. [posted March 17, 2025]
- TetraPAKMAN’s 'Wake Up!' Art Installation Brings Data into Focus on the Windows of Madison Public Library's Central Library: MADISON, WI – The windows of Central Library will display the next iteration of Wake Up!, an ongoing project by current Bubbler artist-in-residence, TetraPAKMAN. The large-scale art exhibition was installed on the first and second floor windows of Central Library facing Fairchild, Henry and Mifflin Streets on Saturday, March 15 and will remain in place through Tuesday, April 22nd to coincide with Earth Day. [posted March 17, 2025]
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.