City Meeting and Event Highlights for the Week of March 17, 2025


City Meeting and Event Highlights for the Week of March 17, 2025


Information Source:  Thank you to Lorissa R. Bañuelos, our Community Engagement Strategist at the Common Council Office, for compiling all of this information each week for Alders Citywide! Appreciated.  To submit your community event for consideration, please email Lorissa at:  Note ahead of time:  per our ethics policy, not all events can be published and other considerations have to be made but it never hurts to submit information for consideration.

Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings

Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.

If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.

Public Information Meetings (PIMs)

Announcements and News Releases

Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.


Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.


Alder Amani

Amani Latimer Burris, Alder, District 12

(608) 345-8747 (cell -- text preferred)

P.S. As always, here is a directory of all of the major city departments:  If you know the department that should handle your issue, feel free to reach out to them directly and also feel free to cc me in on the email if you want to know of your complaint, concern or question.  This will help you:

  1. Get direct help and
  2. I can stay abreast of your situation.

Yep, you can contact  me by email and I prefer that you text me, or call me at (608) 345-8747, especially if the email you want me to read or review is urgent.

Here are other ways to reach out:

Reach out through the City website at

Reach out to all Alders:  you can email us at

Reach out to the Mayor's office:  their email is

Reach out to the Common Council office:  if you don't know who your issue, comment or question or concern should be routed to by sending an email to:

This will go to the Common Council Office and they will get it routed to the right place.  The Common Council staff is very knowledgeable and helpful and really there to serve, just as we are.

And finally, if your issue is urgent or you are having trouble catching up with me, feel free to call the City Common Council office at (608) 266-4061 or send an email to and let them know you are trying to reach me.   

We receive hundreds of emails, especially if an issue is contentious or controversial, and unfortunately our department has a limited staff.  Of Course, my cell is listed above so, again, feel free to text or call me.

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Alder Amani Latimer Burris

Alder Amani Latimer Burris

District 12
Contact Alder Latimer Burris