About Alder Tag Evers
A little bit about me...
It's my honor to serve you as District 13 Alder. Thank you for entrusting me with this responsiblity.
I moved to Madison in 1988 for grad school and never left. I came here to study Natural Resource Economics, concerned by the threat of global environmental crises. Climate change was not in the daily parlance back then, though scientists were already warning us of the "greenhouse effect."
I had hoped to get a Ph.D. and pursue an acadmic career, but in the early 1990's I took a break from my studies and started a concert promoting business called Tag Team Productions. Tag Team became True Endeavors, and collectively we've hosted hundreds of shows in Madison, builiding community around music and raising money for various non-profits.
I did go back and finish my Master's, but promoting concerts became my calling card, along with freelance writing and community activism. You may have seen me at a show or at a rally. Collectively, we've worked to make Madison a better place to live.
In 2012, I sold my business to Frank Productions, where I now work as a talent buyer. As as result, I have more bandwith for public service.
I believe with all my heart Madison is ready to take a giant step forward to truly become one city, a healthy and vibrant place for everyone. We've done the studies and we know the numbers. Now it's time to act.
Please join me in moving Madison forward.
Let's commit ourselves to Dr. King's clarion call to "the fierce urgency of now."
Together we can make a difference!