Starker Avenue Resurfacing with Utilities
Friends and neighbors,
This evening, the City hosted a Public Information Meeting and shared the proposed plans for the upcoming resurfacing project. The meeting was recorded; the video and powerpoint presentation that was shared is already available for viewing.
I would highly encourage residents with homes on Starker Ave, streets that intersect with Starker Ave and/or Elvehjem Elementary families to subscribe to receive email updates by visiting the project webpage. Look for the Get Email Updates box located on the top left of the screen, which will look exactly like the image below. In addition, a questionnaire for the project has been established and will be open and available to respond to until 4pm on Thursday February 8, 2024. The link for the questionnaire is HERE and also linked on the project webpage.
High Level Overview
Starker Avenue, from Woodvale Drive to Droster Drive, will be completely resurfaced. Additionally, curbs and driveway aprons that are assessed to be in poor and/or deteriorating condition will be replaced, along with sanitary, water and storm pipes located in the (street) terrace. Furthermore, curb extensions (also known as bump outs) and traffic circles are proposed to be installed at three intersections as traffic calming/speed reducing efforts. Traffic circles are being proposed for installation at Starker and Ellen as well as Starker and Woodvale. Curb extension/bump outs are proposed at Starker and Vondron.
Project Schedule
- Assessments will mailed to residents on February 23, 2024.
- The project will be on the Board of Public Works March 6, 2024 meeting agenda. Members of the public will be able to register to attend the meeting and provide public comment.
- The Board of Public Works recommended action will be on the Common Council March 19, 2024 agenda. Members of the public will be able to register to attend the meeting and provide public comment.
- The project will be open for bid on April 1, 2024.
If you have questions or additional input, please reach out to the engineering project lead, Rachel Dudley; RDudley@cityofmadison.com, (608) 261-9177.
All the best,