My Response to the Investigation and Censure Process


Dear neighbors and friends,

The City of Madison Common Council claims to be committed to fostering a workplace and governance environment free from harassment, intimidation, and unethical conduct, upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. In so doing, we should value and abide by the principles and findings of due process.

The City spent over $18,000 in taxpayer money to conduct this investigation against me. I spent another almost $10,000 out of my own pocket.

There was no finding that my actions have “undermined confidence in [my] ability to maintain the professional decorum expected of a public official.”

The report concluded that there was no pattern of behavior. The claims of all three who filed complaints against me were unsustained.

I have been silent, up until now in order to respect the confidentiality of the investigation and those who filed complaints. However, since this process has now led to a censure resolution and Alder Juliana Bennett has made her allegations public, I felt the freedom to respond.

I do not believe that my actions have reflected poorly on the City of Madison Common Council, nor have they diminished public trust in its elected representatives. I take my role as Alder seriously. Since these allegations came out, I have attended meetings virtually when possible and have taken care not to make anyone feel uncomfortable by my mere presence as this matter is ongoing.

The investigation the city conducted with the help of outside counsel concluded that no violation of APM 3-5 was sustained. The conclusion states it “is clear that the evidence does not support a finding of a violation. This investigation has been conducted with careful attention to the facts, ensuring that all sides were thoroughly considered, and the decision reflects a conscientious effort to apply the standards fairly and impartially. The conclusions are based on the preponderance of the evidence, taking into account the severity, persistence, and impact of the conduct on each complainant’s work environment and performance.”

I will acknowledge that I am not a perfect man and offer my sincere and public apology for any unease or discomfort that I may have unintentionally caused. That was never my intent. 

I find this whole censure process to be disruptive to the collaborative and respectful environment necessary for the work of the people. I am committed to doing the work of the city and representing my constituents to the best of my ability. I oppose this censure resolution on the merit of the findings of a thorough investigation by the City and its hired counsel, and it is my hope that we can move beyond this together, for the good people of Madison.

Alder Juliana Bennett, stated "I kept my distance from him and maintained a clear professional boundary. Ald. Myadze silenced me." There are 90 text messages between Alder Juliana Bennett and myself. I have provided a small handful of the text messages as evidence showing that I did not silence Alder Juliana Bennett, and she did not keep her distance from me as she alleged as of April 7, 2022. 

Text Messages:

  • 4/14/22: Juliana asked Myadze to meet at Red Rock on 4/21/22 to discuss chemical munitions, mentioning her dad would provide food.
  • 5/24/22: Juliana thanked Myadze for his compliment about her work with the plan commission, replying, “Thanks, darling!”
  • 6/6/22: Juliana invited Myadze to dinner, at her dad's house, with her and her dad at 7 PM, providing the address.
  • 6/14/22: Juliana apologized for missing lunch with Myadze and invited him to meet at Memorial Union at 5:30 PM for a project they could use his help with.
  • 8/22/22: Myadze asked Juliana if they were still meeting for lunch. Juliana confirmed, suggesting Barriques at 12:30 PM.
  • 11/16/22: Myadze complimented Juliana’s work, and she replied, “Fs love. Gotta support each other and what’s right.”
  • 12/25/22: Juliana wished Myadze a Merry Christmas.
  • 4/5/23: Juliana invited Myadze for coffee on 4/7/23 at 6 PM.
  • 10/11/23: Juliana texted Myadze to see if he’d like to meet one-on-one soon, mentioning the league conference.
  • 10/12/23: Juliana asked if she could ride with Myadze to the conference in Green Bay.
  • Later Text: Juliana expressed an apology, saying, “I meant what I said. I’m sorry for any harm I caused. I hope we can move forward together. Let’s do the black caucus!!!”
  • 1/16/23: Juliana texted about meeting for a cosponsorship opportunity at 4:30 PM, Friday, downtown.

These messages illustrate the nature of our interactions, which I believe I was professional and cordial. It is my hope that sharing these will help bring clarity and context to this matter.



Charles Myadze

District 18 Alder

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District 18
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