Plant Dane Native Plant Program Offering Rain Garden Coaching Sessions
postedDane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) offer a limited number of 30-minute one-on-one rain garden coaching sessions for Dane County residents this spring. Participants will meet individually with a rain garden expert to examine their specific site using an online mapping application, determine drainage patterns, and select an optimal location for a rain garden. Experts will also assist participants with sizing and plant selection and provide resources for on-site preparation and installation.
Reimbursement Opportunity: The Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) is offering participants an opportunity to receive a reimbursement of up to $50 for native plants purchased through the Plant Dane Native Plant Program and planted in their rain garden. This reimbursement is only open to residents of MAMSWaP communities.
Registration required. To reserve a spot, visit the Event Order page.