Vote on Tuesday!
postedI probably don't have to remind you that there's an election on Tuesday, but I did want to share a few quick updates.
- Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
- Due to the court decision, it is not necessary to show your ID at the polls in order to vote. You do need to sign the poll book. Turnout will likely be heavier than for the Spring elections, so you may want to allow some additional time.
- Voters at Oakwood Village (Ward 87) will notice a few changes designed to make things more smooth. Parking will be available outside, making the entrance to the polling place easier and more obvious. Also there will be improved signage and volunteer guides during busy times. Many thanks to the staff and residents of Oakwood for hosting this polling place for making improvements as we all learn.
- You can cross parties on one ballot. Tuesday is a unique situation in that there are actually two elections being held on the same day. That means you can vote in one party's primary for Governor and a different party for Lt. Governor. (Of course you still cannot vote for more than one candidate per race, regardless of party.) I am not recommending for or against this practice, just pointing out that it's permitted and does not spoil your ballot.
- If you didn't vote in person in the Spring elections, please note that your polling place may have changed since last year. Enter your address on the City Clerk's web site to check your location. If you previously voted at John Muir School, you can refer to this flyer for your polling place.
Thank you for participating in our democracy!
Got questions about this or any other city issue? Please contact me at or 608-695-5709.
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