District 19 Exploring the Budget Final Session - Links to Recording and Survey Now Available
postedThank you to everyone who joined us for Wednesday's third and final session of the D19 Budget Exploration Series. I'm especially grateful for my guests: MFD Chief Carbon, MPD Chief Barnes, Library Director Elias, Streets Director Romines, and Parks Director Knepp for taking the time to discuss in detail the impact of service reductions that may be necessary if the November property tax referendum fails. They described the impacts on the 2025 budget as well as those even deeper cuts that would need to take place over the next five years.
Below you will find links to the recording of the meeting, the survey I hope you will complete, and the slide presentation from the meeting.
- Recording of meeting: Watch Now: https://media.cityofmadison.com/Mediasite/Showcase/madison-city-channel/Presentation/ef4ad73c76a24e78905bc72a78cf0da81d
- Link to the Service Reduction Survey, survey closes EOD on 10/22/24: www.cityofmadison.com/D19ServiceReductionSurvey.
- Link to the Session 3 slide presentation: D19 Budget Exploration FINAL 2024-10-16.pdf | City of Madison, WI
I greatly appreciated all who participated in the three sessions and those who will yet respond to the survey. I personally learned a lot in studying and preparing for these sessions. I could not have done so without the support from our Common Council staff and our Finance Department budget staff, my guests for Session 3, the Metro staff who provided data for Session 1, and Community Development Director James OKeefe who was my guest for Session 2.
Please vote on November 5. With what I've learned, I'm going to vote "yes". Whatever you decide, I hope the information in these sessions assisted your decision-making.