Meeting and Event Highlights for the Week of October 28, 2024
postedBoards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
- Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 29, at 6:30 p.m. in hybrid format. Agenda items include approving the allocation of City funds that are budgeted and designated to support older adult programming among a group of agencies selected through a Request for Proposals process conducted by the Community Development Division, for use beginning in 2025, as well as an appeal of the Plan Commission action on the demolition permit for 2121 Jefferson Street and 1007 Edgewood Avenue in District 13.
- Finance Committee: The Finance Committee meeting will take place on Monday, October 28, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include deliberations on the 2025 Executive Operating Budget and approving the allocation of City funds that are budgeted and designated to support older adult programming among a group of agencies selected through a Request for Proposals process conducted by the Community Development Division, for use beginning in 2025
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Announcements and News Releases
- Public Test of Election Equipment Saturday: The public is invited to observe the City of Madison public test of election equipment this Saturday. The City of Madison deliberately schedules the public test on the weekend to make it accessible for the community. “Interested in learning how our… [posted October 25, 2024]
- Road Closure for Continuation of E Wilson Street Paving: Starting at 11am on Monday, October 28, R.G Huston’s paving contractor will continue paving operations on E Wilson Street within the Wilson Street and Pinckney Street intersection. The closure is expected to last until 1pm. [posted October 25, 2024]
- Public Cautioned to Throw Out THC-Contaminated Pizza from Famous Yeti’s Pizza in Stoughton, WI: We're urging community members to throw out any pizza they may have from Famous Yeti’s Pizza in Stoughton due to unintentional THC contamination. [posted October 24, 2024]
- RaISE Program Guarantees Job Interviews for Participants: The Referrals and Interviews for Sustainable Employment (RaISE) program provides an opportunity to obtain employment, regardless of a job seekers’ background, gender, race, or ethnicity, overcoming barriers some communities face. [posted October 24, 2024]
- OIM Press Conference: Madison, 10/24/2024.The Office of the Independent Monitor will be hosting a press conference tomorrow. Following the release of a complaint intake form on our website today, this will be an opportunity to discuss the contents of the form and next… [posted October 24, 2024]
- Common Election Misconceptions: The City of Madison Clerk’s Office would like to provide voters with facts regarding common misconceptions about the voting process. Myth: Your voter ID needs to show your current address. Fact: The address on your Voter ID does not matter. When… [posted October 24, 2024]
- Urban Forestry Planting 855 Trees in Fall 2024: Urban Forestry’s fall planting season began on Monday, October 21, 2024.Our crews will be planting 855 trees from 25 different species along City of Madison streets this fall. The variety of species was selected by the City’s trained arborists to… [posted October 23, 2024]
- Results announced for 2024 Food Cart Review: After unprecedented interest from the public in reviewing Madison’s many food carts, the City’s annual Food Cart Review process has been completed and scores have been tabulated. [posted October 23, 2024]
- Street Closures—UW Homecoming Parade: Multiple streets in the Langdon Street area will close to traffic on Friday afternoon, October 25th, for the UW Homecoming Parade. The parade begins at approximately 6:00pm.The following streets will be impacted… [posted October 22, 2024]
- Mail It Back Monday – Make Sure Your Absentee Counts: The Madison City Clerk’s Office has issued absentee ballots to 39,213 voters for the November 5 General Election. Over 17,000 of those absentees have yet to be returned to the City Clerk’s Office. If you plan to return your absentee ballot through… [posted October 21, 2024]
- Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program helps housing get needed updates: With one of the lowest rental vacancy rates in the country, not only does the city need to see more new units built, but existing units also need to be cared for to make sure they are available for years to come. [posted October 21, 2024]
- Hospitalized Voting Begins, Tuesday, October 29: Beginning today, voters who are hospitalized can appoint an agent to:...
- Britta Park Volunteer Workday, Tuesday, October 29: Britta Park neighbors are invited to join City staff to begin work on the pollinator garden and patio project in Britta Park! All ages and skill levels welcome! All necessary tools and instructions provided. Please dress appropriately for the weather and plan to get dirty.
- Hayride Around the Capitol | Movie at the Top of State, Wednesday, October 30: We've partnered with Madison's Central BID for the Downtown Madison Family Halloween to bring you back-to-back events! Take a haywagon ride around the Capitol Square (3-6pm) and see the movie Hotel Transylvania (6-7:30pm), at the Top of State Street (between Ian’s Pizza & Veterans Museum).
- Wright Design Series: The Architecture of Connection, Wednesday, October 30: Explore the transformative power of context in architecture with Madison based architect Jacob Morrison. In this presentation, learn how architects thoughtfully engage with their physical surroundings, historical settings, and social environments to create spaces that resonate with their users. Join us to discover how architecture can build bridges between the past, present, and future, fostering community and continuity.
For the full list of upcoming events, please visit the City events calendar.