Southwest Area Plan Survey


The City of Madison’s Planning Division mailed out postcards earlier this month to a group of randomly-selected people living in the Southwest neighborhoods of Madison areas as part of the ongoing area plan process. For District 19, this would be the neighborhood bounded by the Beltline on the north, Schroeder Road on the south, Gammon Road on the west, and Whitney Way on the east. The survey was developed in collaboration with UW-Madison Ph.D. Students in the Sociology Department.

If you received a postcard, there are instructions on how to participate in the voluntary survey. These surveys will provide important information about residents’ experiences and what issues they see as important for the future of their neighborhood.

Survey results will inform and shape plan recommendations that will have a lasting impact on the future of our City’s neighborhoods and guide changes in your neighborhoods. The survey closes on February 10 and survey results will be posted in a report on the Southwest Area Plan Project web page later this spring.

If you did not receive a postcard and would still like to share your experiences and expertise about your neighborhood with the city, The Planning Division is also conducting a separate survey available to the public for those who were not randomly selected. Public link to the surveyHowever - if you received a postcard, please use the link on it, and not the public link.

Thank you!

Southwest Area Plan location map
Image credit: Madison Planning Division
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John Guequierre

Alder John P. Guequierre

District 19
Contact Alder Guequierre
