Impact of Sauk Creek Corridor Plan on District 19


Residents of District 19, particularly residents of Wexford Village, may be interested in the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. After four years of development and neighborhood involvement, the Plan is making its final way to the Common Council on March 11. First, it comes before the Board of Public Works this Wednesday, February 12. In preparation, Stormwater Engineering staff gave an extensive review of the plan to the Board at its January 29 meeting.

The project is in District 9. From the terminus of the Sauk Creek Greenway at Old Sauk Road, stormwater moves downstream through culverts to Wexford Pond in District 19. From Wexford Pond, stormwater flows via culverts under High Point Road and the West Beltline back into District 9 and ultimately discharges into the Pheasant Branch system and finally into Lake Mendota. Wexford Pond was dredged last winter at a cost of about $1 million to remove years of accumulated sediment, some of it from the eroding banks of Sauk Creek.

One objective of the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan is to stabilize the banks of the creek, reducing erosion, and reducing the transit of sediment into Wexford Pond and beyond. Wexford Village residents are understandably eager to postpone another disruptive dredging of the pond as long as possible.

The Stormwater Engineering staff have published a helpful 19-page Sauk Creek Corridor Plan Fact Sheet. For links to even more detail, see today’s Sauk Creek Greenway Project Update.

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John Guequierre

Alder John P. Guequierre

District 19
Contact Alder Guequierre
