Common Council New Business Summaries – February 11, 2025
postedWhat are the Common Council New Business Summaries?
The Common Council New Business Summaries help readers identify items they are interested in as they make their way through City Boards, Commissions, and Committees (BCCs) and back to the Common Council for a decision. This document provides a short description of each item that was introduced at the most recent Common Council meeting in the “Introduction of New Business for Referral Without Debate” section of the agenda, as well as any items introduced from the floor at the most recent Common Council meeting.
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so at the registration page. Further instructions for registering on an item can be found at the bottom of the page.
Items Introduced at the February 11, 2025, Common Council Meeting
If you click on the hyperlink on the file number of the item you are interested in, you can find more information about each item, including sponsors, action details, and the full item description.
86851 – This proposed ordinance would amend various sections of Chapter 37 of the Madison General Ordinances related to the Public Stormwater System, including Erosion Control, to update certain Stormwater Code provisions. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86923 – This proposed ordinance would make several changes to the Building Energy Savings Code. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Sustainable Madison Committee (2/24/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86989 – This proposed ordinance would rezone property located at 321 Russell Street in District 6 to correct a zoning map error. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86990 – This proposed ordinance would rezone property located at 77 Sirloin Strip in District 14 to construct a 74-unit apartment building. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86991 – This proposed ordinance would rezone property located at 922-926 North Fair Oaks Avenue in District 12 for future multi-family development. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86992 – This proposed ordinance would rezone property located at 3222-3238 East Washington Avenue and 3229 Ridgeway Avenue in District 12 for future multi-family/mixed-use development. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86993 – This proposed ordinance would rezone property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road in District 17 for the preliminary plat of LEO Living. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86994 – This proposed ordinance would amend various sections of the Madison General Ordinances to correct inconsistencies and improper references in the Madison General Ordinances. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (2/25/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87044 – This proposed ordinance would amend or repeal various sections in Chapters 8, 10 and 33 of the Madison General Ordinances related to the reorganization of City Boards, Commissions and Committees. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (2/25/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86856 – This proposed resolution would authorize a three-year contract for engineering services at Parking Division facilities, primarily parking garages. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (2/19/25)
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86861 – This proposed resolution would approve a Certified Survey Map of property located at 2701 S Stoughton Road in District 16. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86863 – This proposed resolution would authorize a purchase of 3M Scott cylinders for self-contained breathing apparatuses used by the Madison Fire Department. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86918 – This proposed resolution would approve temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard Project in District 5 and District 11. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (Public Hearing - 2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86954 – This proposed resolution would approve a one-year contract with The Welch Group, Inc. to advise the City on government affairs and represent the City’s interests at the state level. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86967 – This proposed resolution would recreate the hourly classification of Consultant in the salary schedule with an updated pay range of $30-$70 per hour and eligibility for COLA increases. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Personnel Board (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86973 – This proposed resolution would authorize the use of $25,000 from the Economic Development Division's Small Business Equity and Recovery capital program for business outreach efforts called for in the Southeast and Southwest Area Plans and the Alder Familiarization Tour. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Economic Development Committee (2/19/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86983 – This proposed resolution would authorize the termination of the existing Ground Lease and execution of a new Ground Lease for the residential structure located at 704 East Gorham Street, within James Madison Park, in District 6. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Board of Park Commissioners (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86986 – This proposed resolution would amend the Economic Development Division's 2025 Adopted Capital Budget to add $500,000 in TIF increment to the TID 44 capital program, $750,000 in TIF increment to the TID 46 capital program, and $850,000 in TIF increment to the TID 51 capital program (program #99011), all of which will be used for small business assistance programs. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86987 – This proposed resolution would authorize a non-competitive selection contract with Water Well Solutions Wisconsin, LLC for the repair and replacement of water supply equipment at Unit Well 26. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86995 – This proposed resolution would authorize the 7th amendment to the TID 36 Project Plan, which would add $1.0 million for Breese Stevens field improvements. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86996 – This proposed resolution would authorize the 2nd amendment to the TID 44 Project Plan, which would add $155,000 for lighting improvements along Stoughton Rd. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86997 – This proposed resolution would approve roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road & S. High Point Road in District 1. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/26/25)
- Transportation Commission (2/19/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86999 – This proposed resolution would authorize Intergovernmental Agreements with the University of Wisconsin-Madison relating to the removal of up to eight parking spaces on N. Brooks Street and Monroe Street. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (2/19/25)
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87003 – This proposed resolution would submit the appointment of Connie Thompson for confirmation of a five-year term as Monona Terrace Director. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87005 – This proposed resolution would submit the appointment of Matthew B. Mikolajewski for confirmation of a five-year term as Director of Economic Development. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87013 – This proposed resolution would replace an existing traffic signal and street lighting operation and maintenance agreement with the Village of Cottage Grove. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (2/19/25)
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87014 – This proposed resolution would authorize the 4th amendment to the TID 46 Project Plan and the 3rd boundary amendment to TID 46. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87015 – This proposed resolution would authorize the 1st amendment to the TID 51 Project Plan, which would shift funding between various public works project, CDA revitalization activities, and affordable housing projects. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87018 – This proposed resolution would approve temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (Public Hearing - 2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87040 – This proposed resolution would authorize a contract with Spaulding Restaurant Enterprises Inc for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center in District 12. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Board of Park Commissioners (2/12/25)
- Common Council (02/25/25)
87041 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Chief of Police to enter into an agreement for traffic regulation enforcement between the City of Madison Police Department and the owner(s) of a privately owned, manufactured or mobile home community in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Public Safety Review Committee (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
87045 – This proposed resolution would adopt the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan, related to District 9. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/12/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87066 – This proposed resolution would direct City staff to explore and/or pursue specified changes to the City of Madison Board, Committee, and Commission System. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (2/25/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87067 – This proposed resolution would authorize the City of Madison to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for a Ready for Reuse Brownfields Cleanup zero-interest loan for the purpose of assisting in the remediation of contaminated soil around the Conway at the Huxley Yards property in District 12. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
Items Introduced from the Floor:
Items that are introduced from the floor at the Common Council meeting differ from other items introduced as new business. When these items return to Common Council, they will be re-referred, rather than being taken up for a vote. This means that public comment will not be taken during the initial return to Common Council but will instead be taken at its next return. However, public comment will be taken on any items introduced from the floor at other Boards, Committees, and Commission meetings. Directions for how to register for public comment can be found below.
87158 – This proposed resolution would authorize amendments to the term sheet related to the agreements between the City, the Community Development Authority, and EC Residential LLC for the development project at 5546 Element Way in TID 46 in District 19. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
Providing Public Comment on Items:
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so on the meeting registration page. When you click on that link, you will see that there is a drop down for “Meeting,” where you select the BCC that you are wishing to register for. It is important to note that registration is only available once the BCC has published its agenda, which is typically done a few days ahead of the meeting. Once the agenda is published, you can select the meeting and choose the agenda number that aligns with the file number of the item you are interested in. From here, you can choose to register support or oppose the agenda item, if you would like to speak, if you are representing an organization or person other than yourself, and provide your contact information. If you would like to provide written public comment on an item to your alder, find your alder here. If you would like to send your feedback on the item to all alders, write to allalders@cityofmadison.com