Common Council New Business Summaries – February 25, 2025
postedWhat are the Common Council New Business Summaries?
The Common Council New Business Summaries help readers identify items they are interested in as they make their way through City Boards, Commissions, and Committees (BCCs) and back to the Common Council for a decision. This document provides a short description of each item that was introduced at the most recent Common Council meeting in the “Introduction of New Business for Referral Without Debate” section of the agenda, as well as any items introduced from the floor at the most recent Common Council meeting.
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so at the registration page. Further instructions for registering on an item can be found at the bottom of the page.
Items Introduced at the February 25, 2025, Common Council Meeting
If you click on the hyperlink on the file number of the item you are interested in, you can find more information about each item, including sponsors, action details, and the full item description.
87288 – This proposed ordinance would create a section of Madison General Ordinances related to procedures to remove an alder from the Common Council. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (3/11/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87106 – This proposed resolution would authorize a loan of up to $100,000 to CEOs of Tomorrow, Inc. for the buildout of a leased commercial space at the Black Business Hub located at 2352 South Park Street in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87155 – This proposed resolution would authorize Special Vending Approvals for 2025 special events that occur anywhere in the City where an ordinance restricts vending to certain types of food or articles. These events can be found here. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Vending Oversight Committee (2/26/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87157 – This proposed resolution would authorize the double-fill of the Fleet Superintendent position. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87159 – This proposed resolution would approve a landmark nomination of the property located at 633 E Johnson Street in District 2 as the Benjamin and Amy Butts House. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Landmarks Commission (3/10/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87163 – This proposed resolution would amend the Stormwater Utility’s 2025 Adopted Operating Budget by recreating position #1073 from a 0.6 FTE to a 1.0 FTE position. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87164 – This proposed resolution would amend the 2025 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to add a position of Environmental Specialist/Inspector. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87209 – This proposed resolution would amend an existing contract for architectural and engineering consulting services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility phased upgrades located at 1 S. Ingersoll St in District 6. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/26/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87239 – This proposed resolution would authorize a non-competitive selection contract with Envirotech Equipment Company for the purchase of one Wachs Truck-Mounted Valve Turner. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Water Utility Board (2/26/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87244 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised cost sharing State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the project Mineral Point Road to High Point Road in District 9 in 2026. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/26/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87259 – This proposed resolution would approve an extension for the Parks Ranger Leadworker position. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87260 – This proposed resolution would approve an extension for the Parks Ranger Supervisor position. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87262 – This proposed resolution would create a limited term position of Safety Coordinator 1 in the Fire Department operating budget. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87266 – This proposed resolution would authorize the execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for City-owned vacant land at 4937 Femrite Dr in District 16. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/26/25)
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87269 – This proposed resolution would authorize the execution of a five-year lease agreement with Rooted WI, Inc, for 17 community garden spaces on City-owned land throughout the city. These would be in District 4, District 6, District 10, District 11, District 12, District 13, District 14, District 15, District 16, and District 20. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25)
- Board of Public Works (2/26/25)
- Common Council (3/25/25)
87281 – This proposed resolution would amend the 2025 Adopted Capital Budget of Engineering-Facilities Management to transfer $60,000 from the General Facilities Improvement program to the Senior Center Facility Improvements program in District 4. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87285 – This proposed resolution would amend Traffic Engineering’s 2025 Capital Budget to appropriate additional funding in 2025 relating to the City share and federal share for two Carbon Reduction Program Grants for Traffic Signal Controller and LED Traffic Signal projects that were originally budgeted in the Agency’s Capital Improvement Plan for years from 2026 to 2028. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Transportation Commission (3/5/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
87293 – This proposed resolution would approve the submission of the required 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, which includes the 2025 Annual Action Plan, to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (3/3/25)
- Community Development Block Grant Committee (3/6/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
Providing Public Comment on Items:
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so on the meeting registration page. When you click on that link, you will see that there is a drop down for “Meeting,” where you select the BCC that you are wishing to register for. It is important to note that registration is only available once the BCC has published its agenda, which is typically done a few days ahead of the meeting. Once the agenda is published, you can select the meeting and choose the agenda number that aligns with the file number of the item you are interested in. From here, you can choose to register support or oppose the agenda item, if you would like to speak, if you are representing an organization or person other than yourself, and provide your contact information. If you would like to provide written public comment on an item to your alder, find your alder here. If you would like to send your feedback on the item to all alders, write to allalders@cityofmadison.com