Meetings and Updates Week of June 5th


Meetings and Updates Week of June 5th

  • Reminder: Metro Transit Redesign Begins Sunday, June 11th
  • Interstate Corridor Study Public Meetings Recap
  • Streets Division Update on Large Item Pickup
  • New Winter Salt Routes
  • Common Council meets 6/6
  • Events & Announcements

Reminder: Metro Transit Redesign Begins Sunday, June 11th

Plan your new trip now on Google Maps, the Transit App or at Otherwise, contact Metro’s customer service center at (608) 266-4466 or Call center hours will be extended next week! Starting Thursday, June 8, representatives will be available from 5:30 am until 10:00 pm. Extended hours are expected to last through Friday, June 24 or as call volumes warrant.

Metro Transit Redesign Flier about ride guides

Metro staff are now visiting transfer points (which are closing), stop locations and out riding buses to answer questions and help plan trips. Look for Ride Guides in bright yellow vests. Ride Guides will be out on the street first thing on June 11 to help passengers get where they need to go on Metro’s newly designed routes.

Interstate Corridor Study Public Meetings Recap

Couldn’t make it to the May 23rd or June 1st neighborhood meetings with WisDOT about potential Interstate highway design alternatives on the East Side of Madison? No worries, I wrote another post with a recap, check it out.

Streets Division Update on Large Item Pickup

Here’s a message from the City’s hard-working Streets Division staff: With warmer weather comes an increase in large item pickup. Here’s a review of how large item pickup works now.

  • You have to submit a work order to get on the pickup schedule. Work orders can filled out at
  • Put the items out on the set-out Sunday you chose on the work order. Do not set them out early – crews will not arrive before your set-out date.
  • Collection of large items occurs sometime during the work week following the set-out Sunday you choose. It could be as early as 6:30am on Monday, so get the items out anytime on the Sunday you selected.
  • What about that neighbor with a pile of stuff out for a long time? You have two options if speaking with the neighbor is not possible:
  • Contact Building Inspection at 608-266-4551. Building Inspection is the code enforcement agency. They can see if a property has a work order or not. They can require property owners to get a work order, and fine those who choose not to follow their guidance.
  • Create a work order for your neighbor. While this means your neighbor may not learn about the work order system, it does guarantee that they would be on the schedule for pickup.
  • Large items can also be taken to a drop-off site. Drop-off sites are different, so check the drop-off page before loading your car.
  • Some items have fees that must be paid before dropping them off. More about the fees can be found on the Streets large item website.
  • When in doubt, contact the Streets Division and we’ll help.

New Winter Salt Routes

More from the City’s Streets Division:

“Salt routes” are the streets of Madison that we plow each time it snows, and apply salt to as weather allows. By policy adopted in the mid-seventies, this high level of service is reserved for the major thoroughfares, which are the roads used by Madison Metro, those around schools, hospitals, police & fire facilities, and other important connector streets.  Salt routes make up just under 40% of all of the traffic lanes within the City.

In response to Madison Metro changing their routes, we re-evaluated our salt route network. If Madison Metro is no longer using a street for a bus, then it is likely that the street would no longer meet the standards to be a salt route. In this process, we gave our entire network a hard look to remove streets from the salt routes where we could, and made a few small additions. Our re-routing process removed roughly 85 traffic lane miles total from all of the salt routes for this upcoming winter and retained approximately 740 traffic lane miles.  This reduction amounts to a 10% change from this past winter, which means we will spread around 500 fewer tons of salt on our roads during a normal winter.

Public streets not designated a salt route are plowed when at least 3” of snow accumulates on them and the storm is at or near its end.  Since these roads are not salted like the main thoroughfares, they will have a hard pack of snow and ice on them after plowing.  Sand is applied later where needed to enhance traction.

These District 3 streets are no longer on the salt route (but will still be plowed according to the policy described above): Apollo Way, Argosy Court, Dominion Drive, Inwood Way, Jupiter Drive, McLean Drive, Merryturn Road, Neptune Court, North Thompson (around the Hiestand neighborhood), North Walbridge Avenue, Open Wood Way east of Inwood, Severn Way, and Wittwer Road. North Star Drive north of Dominion Drive will be added to the salt route, joining the southern stretch of North Star which was already on the salt route.

I’ll post this information again this fall when our attention turns back to staying safe on the roads during winter weather.

Common Council meets 6/6

The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 in hybrid format. Agenda items includes recognizing and commemorating June 19, 2023, as Juneteenth in Madison, Wisconsin; accepting the final report of the Farmland Preservation Task Force; a resolution adopting a Public Participation Plan for the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan Interim Update (2023); and more.

WisDOT Madison Beltline Study meetings

On Tuesday June 6th and Wednesday June 7th, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Southwest Region is hosting two public involvement meetings for the Madison Beltline Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study. The meetings will provide an update on the status of the study and gather input.



  • Third-party service to help MPD with emergency detention transportation: MADISON, Wis. – Starting in June, the Madison Police Department will use a third-party service for emergency detention transports to Winnebago Mental Health. Fun Fact: much of the early work for this exciting new service was done by a familiar name, our own former Alder Lindsay Lemmer!
  • Free Fun Weekend in Madison Parks: Enjoy permit-free days in Madison's parks, Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4, 2023. No permit is required to try out a disc golf course, bring your dog to a park or access the lakes.
  • Madison Water Utility's 2022 Annual Report is Available: Madison Water Utility's 2022 Annual Report is now available! This reporting period covers calendar year 2022, including audited 2022 financial statements, 2022 water quality monitoring, and 2022 projects, events, operations, and accomplishments.
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Alder Derek Field

Alder Derek Field

District 3
Contact Alder Field
