1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Meetings and Updates Week of December 9

  • City Meetings:
    • Common Council 12/10
    • Transportation Commission 12/11
    • Board of Park Commissioners 12/11
  • Streets Division Announces One Final Leaves/Yard Waste Collection Week of Dec 8
  • Winter Activities in Eastside Madison Parks!
  • Grease Reminder from City Crews After Recent Sewer Overflow on East Side
  • Events & Announcements

City Meetings

Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.

Common Council

The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 10, at 6:30 p.m. in hybrid format. Agenda items include:

  • Item 2: An honoring resolution honoring and celebrating the life and work of Lucía Nuñez.
  • Item 46: A resolution authorizing acceptance of grant agreements for two FY23 YHDP grants from U.S. Housing & Urban Development; authorizing 2025 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program contracts with OutReach, Inc., Briarpatch Youth Services, Inc., Center for Community Stewardship, and Institute for Community Alliances (I’m a cosponsor).
  • Item 49: A resolution authorizing the City of Madison on behalf of the Greater Madison MPO to accept a federal funding grant for $106,100 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to implement the MPO’s RoundTrip TDM program (I’m a cosponsor).
  • Item 52: A resolution approving the 2025 Urban Forestry Special Charge on the municipal services bill to cover the cost of providing urban forestry services. The residential 2025 rate per dwelling unit is proposed to be $7.52 per month, 46 cents above 2024’s rate of $7.12 per month.
  • Item 53: A resolution approving the 2024 Resource Recovery Special Charge on the municipal services bill to cover the cost of providing the curbside recycling program. The residential 2025 rate per dwelling unit is proposed to be $3.56 per month, 39 cents lower than 2024’s rate of $3.95.
  • Item 56: A resolution authorizing a U.S Department of Justice-Bureau of Justice Assistance Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-Based Program (COSSUP) grant award of $1,600,000 to expand the Madison Area Recovery Initiative (MARI) to address substance use disorder (I’m a cosponsor).
  • Item 57: A resolution authorizing a Wisconsin Department of Health Services Opioid Abatement Efforts by Law Enforcement grant award contract in the amount of $95,935 for the Madison Area Resource Initiative (MARI) pre-arrest opioid diversion program (I’m a cosponsor).
  • Item 69: Year-end Appropriation Resolution to the which reappropriates funding between agencies based on actual expenditures through September 2024 (for example, to cover unexpectedly high overtime costs in Fire) and reallocates money from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund supported by a transfer into the General Fund from federal fund sources.
  • Item 73: A resolution approving loans totaling up to $250,000 from the Community Development Division’s Child Care Facilities Loan Program to three child care providers to expand child care space at two sites on the East Side and one site on the West Side (I’m a cosponsor). The two forthcoming eastside locations are The Playing Field at 2102 East Springs Drive (the old East Towne Menard’s site) and at 3131 East Washington Ave.
  • Item 74: A resolution authorizing a contract with the Tenant Resource Center for remaining federal Emergency Rental Assistance funds to sustain efforts to promote housing stability in Dane County through the Eviction Diversion and Defense Partnership (I’m a cosponsor).
  • Item 75: A resolution removing the Madison Parks Paid Parking Pilot Program that was meant to have Parks staff explore charges for special events (e.g. Badger game) and commuters’ use of Park parking lots.
  • Item 79: A resolution approving an agreement with Sun Prairie for the Madison Fire Department to provide emergency crisis services through the City’s CARES Program (I’m a cosponsor). Under this agreement, Sun Prairie will pay Madison on a per-response basis for the cost of providing the service outside the City.
  • Item 92: A resolution censuring Alder Charles Myadze for conduct unbecoming of an alder (I’m a cosponsor). Here are some notable clauses from the resolution:
    • “Whereas, multiple reports, including the August 9, 2024, independent investigation report and the October 24, 2024, supplemental investigation report, document concerning actions by Alder Charles Myadze that have undermined confidence in his ability to maintain the professional decorum expected of a public official…”
    • “Whereas, such a pattern of behavior, including but not limited to the April 7, 2022, incident reflects poorly on the City of Madison Common Council and diminishes public trust in its elected representatives…”
    • “…Alder Myadze is encouraged to consider the impact of his continued presence on the Common Council to ongoing City priorities and processes.”
    • “…the City of Madison Common Council commends the survivors and individuals who have bravely come forward to share their experiences, recognizes the courage it takes to speak out, and emphasizes the Council’s commitment to creating a safe and respectful environment for all.”
    • This CapTimes article and this Madison365 article provide more background information about the situation. 

Meeting info:

Transportation Commission

The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 11, at 5:00 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include a staff presentation with updates about WisDOT Projects  that will cover the Interstate Corridor Study and both the North and South Stoughton Road Corridor Studies, and the Transportation Commission’s July 2024-June 2025 Annual Work Plan.

Board of Park Commissioners

The Board of Park Commissioners meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 11, at 6:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include a presentation on the Olbrich Biergarten’s 2024 season operations and a presentation about winter activities and equipment rental locations in Madison Parks (more info on this in another section, below).

If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.

Streets Division Announces One Final Leaves/Yard Waste Collection Week of Dec 8

From the Streets Division announcement:

“The Streets Division will be performing a last chance pickup for leaves and yard waste, weather permitting. All residents who need another leaf pickup should set out their leaves and yard waste on Sunday, December 8, 2024.

Crews will be through all Madison neighborhoods one last time to collect leaves and yard waste sometime during the workdays following Sunday, December 8, weather permitting. Every Madison neighbor shares the same last chance set out date.  We will be in your neighborhood as soon as we can. Please be patient. It will take multiple workdays for every neighborhood to receive their last chance pickup.”

Winter Activities in Eastside Madison Parks!

In Wednesday’s Board of Parks Commissioners meeting, commissioners will receive a presentation from Parks staff about winter activities in Madison Parks. The presentation includes several family-friendly opportunities in parks on the east side that I wanted to highlight for District 3 residents: 

Photo of families skating on ice in the winter
Image credit: Madison Parks
  • Brand-new shelter at Door Creek Park opens for ski and snowshoe rentals and concessions on January 31st, 2025
  • Hiestand Park is open for winter disc golf
  • Sycamore Park is open for winter biking at the new singletrack course
  • Heritage Heights “NiceRink” for skating, thank you to the Adopt Ice volunteers!
  • Olbrich park has free loaner ice skates
  • Grove & Glide ice skating event:
    • Olbrich Park on Friday, January 10th
    • Heritage Heights Park on Friday, February 7th
  • Candlelight Hike at Edna Taylor Park on Saturday, January 18th
  • Winter Clothing Drive with Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin from January 13th-31st at Door Creek Park Shelter

Grease Reminder From City Crews After Recent Sewer Overflow on East Side

“The City of Madison Engineering Division wants to remind the public to avoid pouring fats, oil, grease (FOG) and other food waste in home drains this season.

City Engineering truck used to vacuum waste material
City Engineering Division "vactor crew" truck. Image credit: City Engineering.

 A ditch area on the City of Madison’s east side is clean after a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) caused by grease buildup happened at 12:30 p.m., Dec. 5, 2024. The overflow happened at the 5800 block of Milwaukee Street. The City of Madison Engineering Division responded immediately and minimal sewage spilled into the area. The sanitary sewer manhole overflowed into the ditch on the north side of Milwaukee Street. The wastewater was contained in the ditch with silt sock.  No wastewater reached the storm sewer.” 

More information is available here. Please remember to not use home drains for fats, oil, or grease disposal!

Events & Announcements

Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted. Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar

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Alder Derek Field

Alder Derek Field

District 3
Contact Alder Field
