Trend of Theft From Automobiles & Prevention Tips from MPD


From East District MPD Captain Ed Marshall:

"We are currently tracking a trend of thefts from automobiles in each of your districts [includes District 3].  Limited suspect info is that they are slender, typically wearing a hoodie, backpack, and cross body bag, and they arrive and depart on bicycle.

Time of day appears to be very early morning hours. East Officers will be on alert during these times; we appreciate residents’ assistance with security camera footage."

MPD's non-emergency dispatch phone number is (608) 255-2345. In emergencies please call 911.

Prevent theft-from-auto crime by hiding valuables in your car, closing your garage door, calling in suspicious activity, and always locking your car.
Image credit: Madison Police Department

Tips shared in the flyer above:

  1. Ensure your car doors and all doors to your residence are kept locked
  2. Leave exterior residence lights on at night or utilize motion detecting lights
  3. Keep valuables in your garage, car, and home out of sight
  4. Removing valuables from your car is better than hiding them. This includes garage door openers and spare keys.
  5. Keep your garage door closed and double-check it is closed at night.
  6. Report all criminal & suspicious activity immediately. 
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Alder Derek Field

Alder Derek Field

District 3
Contact Alder Field
