Meetings and Updates Week of Feb 24

  • City Meetings
    • Common Council 2/25
    • Board of Public Works 2/26
  • Video Presentation: The History and Future of Madison Transportation
  • Rain Garden Planning Assistance & Reimbursement for Plant Dane Native Plants Purchases
  • Events & Announcements

City Meetings

Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.

Common Council

The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:30 p.m. in hybrid format. Agenda items include:

  • Item 3: A staff presentation about housing updates.
  • Item 5: A proposal to update the City’s demolition ordinances to allow for administrative approval of non-historic buildings and reorganizing the standards used for considering demolition permits (I’m a cosponsor). Here is the presentation staff provided to the Plan Commission on this item, which is very helpful and clear about what this proposal does change and what it does not change. Here's the proposed new Statement of Purpose for the section of ordinance dealing with Demolition Permits: "It is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the careful consideration of requests to demolish principal buildings with historic value is a public necessity and required in the interest of the health, prosperity, safety, and welfare of the people. The City recognizes that historic resources are cultural and economic assets that can attract residents and visitors, create jobs, stabilize and improve property values, and stimulate business and industry. It is further a matter of public policy that the City balances its general interest in preserving buildings with historic interest with its need general interest to accommodate the growth of its population and built environment."
  • Item 6: A proposal to amend sections of the zoning code to relax certain restrictions that City staff report have been barriers to homeowners wanting to modify their homes to allow modest density increases (I’m a cosponsor). This proposal, if adopted, would allow more flexibility for how attached garages are placed in residential zoning districts, allow open porches on the side of homes to be located within side yard setbacks, require the same side yard setbacks for one- and two-story buildings, increase the allowable size of Accessory Dwelling Units and increasing the max bedroom count, allow more flexibility for how units are arranged in two- and three-unit buildings, and remove the Usable Open Space requirement while remaining stormwater, maximum impervious surface, and landscaping requirements which themselves guarantee open space. Here is a presentation that Planning staff gave to the Plan Commission on this item.
  • Item 30: A resolution authorizing the City to join lawsuits related to continuing federal funding which supports or affects the City of Madison, its residents, businesses, nonprofit organization, or cultural or educational institutions located in the City.
  • Item 35: A resolution authorizing a contract with The Welch Group (lobbying firm) to represent the City of Madison’s government affairs interests, such as on state shared revenue funding policy.
  • Item 39: A resolution amending the City Budget to move money between Tax Incremental Financing programs, including in TIF District 44 (Royster-Clark) which includes part of District 3 along Cottage Grove Road, for small business development and for better street lighting along South Stoughton Road (I’m a cosponsor). Under TIF regulations, TIF money can only be spent on qualifying capital projects within the TIF district or within a half-mile of that TIF district.
  • Item 44: a quarterly report on 4th quarter 2024 from Interim Chief of Police John Patterson.

Meeting info:

Board of Public Works

The Board of Public Works meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 26, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include awarding a contract to the lowest bidder for installing sun shelters in three City parks, including Sycamore Park and North Star Park in District 3.

If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.

Video Presentation: History and Future of Madison Transportation

From mule-drawn buses to BRT, Madison Transportation Director Tom Lynch recently presented the history and future of Madison transportation to the Common Council. I highly encourage you to check it out if interested:

Or here's the YouTube link:

Rain Garden Planning Assistance & Reimbursement Opportunity for Plant Dane Native Plants Purchase

Dane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) offer a limited number of 30-minute one-on-one rain garden coaching sessions for Dane County residents this spring. Participants will meet individually with a rain garden expert to examine their site using an online mapping application, determine drainage patterns, and select an optimal location for a rain garden. Experts will also assist participants with sizing and plant selection and provide on-site preparation and installation resources.

This session will focus on rain gardens that will receive water from residential downspouts. The optimal location for a residential rain garden is:

  • At least 10 feet from the foundation,
  • Receives at least 4 hours of sunlight/day,
  • Less than 10% slope,
  • In an area with adequate drainage, and
  • Outside the surrounding tree canopy.

Reimbursement Opportunity: The Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership(link is external) (MAMSWaP) is offering participants an opportunity to receive a reimbursement of up to $50 for native plants purchased through the Plant Dane Native Plant Program(link is external) and planted in their rain gardens. This reimbursement is only open to residents of MAMSWaP communities (link is external).

Registration required. To reserve a spot, visit the Event Order page (link is external).

Events & Announcements

Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted. Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.

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Alder Derek Field

Alder Derek Field

District 3
Contact Alder Field
