Christmas Tree Collection
postedTwo Rounds of Tree Collection
Starting Monday, January 6, the Madison Streets Division will begin Christmas tree collection. As in years past, there will be two rounds of tree collection.
The first round of Christmas tree collection will begin on Monday, January 6. Christmas trees placed to the curb by 6:30 a.m. on January 6 in accordance with the rules outlined below will be collected prior to January 17, barring any winter weather complications. Placing your tree to the curb after January 6 could result in your tree not being collected during the first round.
The second round of Christmas tree collection will begin on Tuesday, January 21. Christmas trees placed to the curb by 6:30 a.m. on January 21 will be collected prior to February 7, barring any winter weather complications.
If you place your tree to the curb after 6:30 a.m. on January 21, you may miss your final collection round. Residents electing to have their trees collected at the curb rather than bringing the tree to a drop-off site are strongly encouraged to have their tree curbside prior to January 21.
After the second round of tree collection is complete, crews will transition to other priorities. Trees set to the curb after the second round of collection occurs in your neighborhood will sit on the terrace until crews begin regular brush collection in the spring.
Wreaths, evergreen rope, garlands and boughs will not be collected with Christmas trees. These items regularly contain wire that can jam wood chipping equipment by becoming entangled. Please place these into your tan refuse cart or private dumpster.
Plowing and other snow and ice control issues take priority over tree collection, and this may cause delays.
Collection Rules
Trees are processed with expensive woodchippers. These machines can be easily damaged by metal, wire and other foreign material. To protect this equipment and the safety of our workers we ask that all residents follow these rules. Failure to follow these rules may result in your tree being left at the curb.
- Remove all tree stands regardless of whether they are metal, plastic or wood.
- Remove all light strings, ornaments and other metal objects.
- Remove any tree bags.
- Place trees at the street edge only.
- Dig out trees if they become buried under snow.
Drop-Off Sites
Residents may also bring Christmas trees to a City drop-off site. The winter sites are located at 402 South Point Road on the west side and 4602 Sycamore Avenue on the east side.
The drop-off sites are open 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. These hours will remain in effect until expanded hours begin in April. The 121 East Olin Avenue drop-off site will reopen in April.
Happy New Year!