Near West Watershed Study Public Meeting


The City of Madison is completing a watershed study in the Near West Watershed, an area that includes much of the Bassett, Mansion Hill and Mifflin Neighborhoods. The watershed drains to the lakes through storm sewers. The watershed study will identify causes of existing flooding and look at potential solutions to try to reduce flooding.

Flood mitigation solutions will be implemented in future years, including additional stormwater capacity in flood prone areas.

The Madison Engineering Division seeks community input on the study. The public is encouraged to give feedback during a virtual public information meeting on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m.

You can join the virtual meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at this link.

During the meeting, City staff and consultants will share information about the watershed study process, the existing conditions flooding, and proposed solutions for the watershed.

More information is available on the project website.

Near West Watershed Map
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Alder Michael Verveer

Alder Michael E. Verveer

District 4
Contact Alder Verveer