City Highlights for the Week of July 29, 2024
postedWANT TO VOTE BY MAIL? REQUEST ABSENTEE BALLOT TODAY. With just two weeks remaining before the August 13 Partisan Primary, the City Clerk’s Office urges voters wishing to receive an absentee through the mail to submit their requests today. The Clerk’s Office mails absentee ballots within one day of receiving each request. Because Madison mail is taken to Milwaukee for sorting, it can take a week for an absentee to be delivered to a Madison address. Plan on an additional week for your ballot to return to the Clerk’s Office through the mail.
Postmarks on absentee ballots do not count. Your ballot must be at your polling place on Election Day in order to be counted.
Absentee requests submitted after today may be at risk of not being counted due to the amount of time it takes for mail to be delivered.
To request an absentee and track your ballot, visit myvote.wi.gov.
The goal of the City Clerk’s Office is that each eligible voter will be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted. More on in-person voting below.
HOW DO I CONTACT MY ALDER? You can contact me by email at district6@cityofmadison.com or through the City website at www.cityofmadison.com/council. I prefer email if possible to be able to share concerns/comments with city staff and get back to you in a more timely way. If you would like to contact all alders on topics before the Council, you can email us all at allalders@cityofmadison.com.
Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page. City Highlights prepared by Council staff.
- Plan Commission: The Plan Commission meeting will take place on Monday, July 29, in virtual format at 5:30 p.m. Agenda items include development-related requests in districts 1, 2, 5, 11, 16, 17, and 18.
- Transportation Commission: The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 31, in virtual format at 5:00 p.m. Agenda items include adopting the Northeast Area Plan, adopting the West Area Plan, and an update on the East Mifflin Bike Boulevard.
- Madison Public Library Boad: The Madison Public Library Board meeting will take place on Thursday, August 1, at Lakeview Library on 2845 N Sherman Ave. at 5:00 p.m. Agenda items include approval of a statement to the Common Council in support of a referendum, as well as planning for the implementation of a reduction in evening hours at Madison Public Library locations in the event that the reductions would be necessary in the 2025 Operating Budget.
- Community Development Block Grant Committee: The Community Development Block Grant Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, August 1, in virtual format at 5:30 p.m. Agenda items include adopting the Northeast Area Plan and adopting the West Area Plan.
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Public Information Meetings
- Metro Public Hearing Scheduled, Wednesday, July 31: On Wednesday, July 31, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transportation Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 PM to review and discuss proposed new service to Monona as well as Metro’s updated Service Equity Analysis.
News & Announcements
- Public Invited to Celebrate Madison’s Sister Cities: The community is invited to celebrate these global connections at a free reception, featuring a photo exhibit, at the Overture Center. [posted July 25, 2024]
- Lane Closures -- King, Wilson and Butler Street Intersection: Starting Friday, July 26, R.G Huston will be performing underground utility work within the King St, Wilson St, and Butler St intersection. During this phase of work all traffic will be shifted to the south side of Wilson St with one lane of… [posted July 25, 2024]
- West Dayton Street Westbound Traffic Lane Reopens : The westbound traffic lane of West Dayton Street, which had been closed since October of 2023 for a UW steam tunnel project at the Park Street intersection, is now reopened. West Dayton Street is now fully open to both directions of traffic on… [posted July 25, 2024]
- Metro Transit Public Hearing Scheduled: Give feedback on proposed service to Monona as well as Metro's updated service equity analysis. [posted July 24, 2024]
- Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Cases Rising in Dane County: Public Health Madison & Dane County is alerting the community about an outbreak of pertussis, also known as whooping cough. [posted July 23, 2024]
- Madison Celebrates Installation of First Air Quality Monitor: The City’s air quality monitoring network will measure particulate matter concentrations in neighborhoods throughout the City. [posted July 22, 2024]
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.
- In-Person Absentee Voting Begins, Tuesday, July 30: Absentee voting sites begin opening today. Check our In-Person Absentee Voting website for locations and hours. The last day to vote absentee in person will be Sunday, August 11.
- Lunch Time LIVE! 7/30: Old Oaks, Tuesday, July 30: On Tuesdays - June through August - a FREE outdoor concert series will take place from noon-1pm on the King Street walkway of the Wisconsin State Capitol. Chairs will be available, and blankets and lawn chairs are welcome on the lawn nearby. And don't forget to grab 'to-go' lunch at dozens of downtown restaurants.
- Capitol View Farmers' Market, Wednesday, July 31: The Capitol View Farmers' Market is held weekly on Wednesdays (3:00-7:00pm) from late May through mid-October.
Parks Alive Dates!
Parks Alive builds stronger neighborhoods and connects neighbors to their parks through fun, family-friendly activities, music and free food. Events are held in parks across the city and throughout the summer. Connect with your neighbors and engage with your community at a Parks Alive event near you! Events start at 5:00 p.m.
- Parks Alive at Elver Park on Monday, July 29
- Parks Alive at Worthington Park, Tuesday, July 30
- Parks Alive at Warner Park, Wednesday, July 31
- Parks Alive at Owl Creek Park, Thursday, August 1
Please find additional upcoming City of Madison Parks events listed on the City parks event calendar.
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.