D6 Items of Interest Week of September 16, 2024


Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway introduced her 2025 Executive Capital Budget last week and on Monday and Tuesday, the Finance Committee will receive presentations from agencies about their proposed infrastructure (roads, bikeways, parks, water and storm water) and building projects in 2025 and for the 6-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Agency briefing schedule Alders will be able to ask questions. Monday will be the opportunity for the public to weigh in. Finance Committee alders can make capital budget amendments at their meeting of September 30. The capital budget, as amended, will be presented to the full council in November where final amendments will be considered.

On October 8, the Mayor will introduce her 2025 Executive Operating Budget, which is subject to state levy limit constraints. The operating budget funds staff, programs, and basic services. Mayor Satya will offer two operating budgets, one if the referendum request for $22M fails on November 5 and one if the referendum passes. A similar review and amendment process will begin, ending in November 12-13 budget adoption. Please check out the July 16 memo from the Mayor with her Long Range Budget Plan that explains the two scenarios.

In her Executive Summary issued last week, the Mayor states she looked “for ways our capital projects can increase operational efficiencies over time, while recognizing that we must continue to expand services as our population grows” and givesexamples on the west and south side for a new South Point Road Public Works Facility and new South District Police Station and property and evidence storage facility as well as expansion of Pleasant View Road and stormwater upgrades on Regent Street.

Many capital improvement plan projects have been reauthorized. It often takes several years to plan and construct approved projects. These projects include the Imagination Center/library at Reindahl Park, the men’s purpose-built homeless shelter at Bartillon, and the North – South BRT. Unknown at this time is whether Breese Stevens Field will receive the $4M grant the Parks Division applied for from the State of Wisconsin to make improvements to the stadium for the proposed women’s soccer team. We are expecting to hear this year. If the grant is awarded, the 2024 Parks budget will be amended to reflect the grant. If not, the project will go on the Horizon list and be reconsidered in future years.

The first phase of reconstruction of John Nolen Drive (Broom-Lakeside) is scheduled for 2025, with the vast majority of funds coming from the federal government for this Engineering project. Parks Division funds were also reauthorized for the Lake Monona Waterfront project (rebranded Madison Lakeway) for planning work and to continue refinement of the park master plan adopted by the Council in 2024. The CIP adds $6M in 2026 for the phase 1 portion of the Lake Monona Waterfront Project.

Meanwhile, funds for James Madison Park to implement the 2019 adopted master plan were reduced in the CIP based on current park development priorities and resources. In the 2025 Parks Division capital budget, funds are allocated for door replacement in the historic Bernard-Hoover Boathouse.

In 2025, funds will be available for planning for the future use of the Baldwin Triangle in McPike Park. I’m hoping this process will start in the first quarter.

The Transportation Dept. has added $400K for a local match for the intercity passenger rail station. We should be hearing more about the station selection soon.

The budget document ends with a summary of open Tax Incremental Districts. TID 36/Cap East has funds to implement public projects and is also acting as a donor TID though 2027 to TID 51 to help implement the South Madison Plan. TID 53/Wilson St is the new TID that includes part of the First Settlement neighborhood. In 2025, funds are allocated for predevelopment costs of the Brayton Lot redevelopment. There will be an RFP prepared and issued later this year or early next year for a master developer.

Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings

  • Finance Committee: The Finance Committee meeting will take place on Monday, September 16, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include regular business followed by briefings on the 2025 executive capital budget.

    9. 84986 Amending Resolution 22-00745 Authorizing the First Amendment to Ground Lease for the residential structure located at 704 East Gorham Street, within James Madison Park, and authorizing an access easement over a portion of the City’s property at 728 East Gorham Street. (District 6)

    10. 85039 Providing CocoVaa Chocolatier or its assigns a $250,000 loan to purchase a commercial property at 10 Odana Court through the Commercial Ownership Assistance program under the Small Business Equity and Recovery Program (SBER) using the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) aid Local Fiscal Recovery funds and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with CocoVaa Chocolatier or its assigns for that purpose. (District 19)

    15. 85090 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an 18-month, competitively selected service contract with Toole Design Group, LLC for updating the City’s Pedestrian Plan and finalizing the All Ages and Abilities Bike Network (Citywide). This item will be on Wednesday’s Transportation Commission agenda as well as a potential consent agenda item (no discussion).

    16. 85140 Authorizing the City of Madison to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for a Ready for Reuse Brownfields Cleanup zero-interest loan in an amount not to exceed $1,027,300 for the purpose of assisting in the remediation of contaminated soil at Huxley Yards (2007 Roth Street). (District 12)

    Fiscal Note: The proposed resolution authorizes the City of Madison to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) for a Ready for Reuse Brownfields Cleanup zero-interest loan for the purpose of assisting in the remediation of contaminated soil around the View, Victoria, and Conway at the Huxley Yards property. A separate resolution will be required to authorize acceptance of the loan, amend the Economic Development Division's adopted budget to reflect the loan, and to approve the terms and conditions of a loan agreement between the City and the WDNR; as well as to approve the terms and conditions of a loan agreement between the City and Lincoln Avenue Capital Management, LLC.

    17. 85074 Amending the 2024 Capital Budget for the Planning Division-Municipal Art Fund to accept $40,000 from the Madison Public Market Foundation and $50,000 from the Friends of the Madison Arts Commission to help fund public art at the Madison Public Market and to approve and accept ten (10) artworks for installation at the Madison Public Market, including authorizing the Planning Division Director to sign contracts related to the projects (District 12).

    19. 85212 2025 Budget Update: Overview of Executive Capital Budget and Operating Budget Requests

    20. 84843 2025 Executive Capital Budget

    Executive Summary

    2025 Executive Capital Budget

    Finance Committee Briefing Schedule for Monday & Tuesday

  • Finance Committee: The Finance Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 17, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. This Finance Committee meeting is a budget hearing. The budget briefings by agencies continue, see FC Briefing Schedule link for list of agency presentations.
  • Transportation Commission: The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 18, at 5:00 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include crossing guards at middle schools, a working session on the Complete Green Streets Guide, and a presentation on the 2025 operating budget.

2.* 85090 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an 18-month, competitively selected service contract with Toole Design Group, LLC for updating the City’s Pedestrian Plan and finalizing the All Ages and Abilities Bike Network (Citywide).

3. 85214 Presentation on City of Madison 2025 Operating Budget

4. 85218 Crossing Guards at Middle Schools Crossing Guard Policy discussion

5. 85219 Working Session on Complete Green Streets Guide - Modal Hierarchy and Overlay Priorities

30. 85179 Change of Licensed Premises PX2 LLC • dba Prost! Current Capacity (in/out): 180/60 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 180/140 401 E Washington Ave • Agent: David Nau Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 51% alcohol, 48% food, 1% other Police Sector 406 (District 6) Expansion of outdoor premises and capacity on 9/28/2024.

36. 85007 Public Hearing - New License El Rancho Breakfast and Tacos LLC • dba El Rancho Breakfast and Tacos 824 E Johnson St • Agent: Guadalupe Diaz Estimated Capacity (in/out): 50/50 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 20% alcohol, 80% food Police Sector 407 (District 6)

41. 85012 Public Hearing - New License MPL Corporation Investment • dba TBD 823 Williamson St • Agent: Amit Kumar Class A Beer, Class A Liquor, Class A Cider Police Sector 408 (District 6)

Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.

If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.

Announcements and News Releases


Metro Transit - Fast Fare Pick Up! Pick up a Fast Fare card and get help from City of Madison staff. To learn more about Fast Fares, please visit the Fast Fares webpage.

For the full list of upcoming events, please visit the City events calendar

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Alder Marsha Rummel

Alder Marsha A. Rummel

District 6
Contact Alder Rummel