D6 Items of Interest Week of December 16, 2024
postedSnow Plowing Update: Trucks will be out on Saturday, 12/14, because roads may be icy in the afternoon. Rain falling on cold pavement may make things slick. Be cautious.
The Council meeting on December 10 was probably one of the most emotionally difficult meetings in Council history with the passage of the censure resolution of D18 Alder Charles Myadze for conduct unbecoming of an alder.
In addition, at Tuesday’s meeting, the motion to rescind the paid parking in parks pilot failed to get 15 votes needed to amend the 2025 Operating budget. Parks Supt Eric Knepp submitted a memo to alders before the meeting explaining staff perspective after the avalanche of negative feedback and some public misunderstanding of the pilot proposal. Supt Knepp proposed an additional whereas clause: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2025 Parks Division Operating Budget is amended to direct staff to provide a report on Parks Parking Assets, including potential revenue generation from these assets, to the Common Council and Board of Park Commissioners by April 1, 2026. The sponsors added it to the resolution.
Since I was absent from the Council meeting, I asked for reconsideration of the Amendment to the operating budget at our first meeting in January. I think the additional clause provided by Supt Knepp allows the city to collect data about the Parks Division’s parking resources and decide about next steps once the Board of Parks Commissioners and Council review the information provided by staff. It meets my goal to explore options to find other revenue streams. My original intent proposing the amendment at Finance was to implement a limited paid parking in parks pilot this year but if I had been at the meeting, I would have supported the amendment with the additional clause. Not moving forward with the pilot but collecting more data and getting a report seems like a reasonable outcome to me.
The January 13 Plan Commission will take up two D6 items including the request by the Essen Haus/Come Back In owners to extend the hours of the outdoor patio.
Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
- Plan Commission: The Plan Commission meeting will take place on Monday, December 16, at 5:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include development-related requests in District 14 and District 16.
Upcoming PC January 13 meeting items
- ID 86416 - 908 E Main Street - Conditional Use for an art/ technical/ trade school tenant in multi-tenant commercial building
- ID 86417 - 506-518 E Wilson Street and 132-150 S Blair Street - Conditional Use for outdoor eating area open after 9:00 PM with amplified sound and outdoor recreation in parking lot of restaurant/ nightclubs
- ID 86419 - 2121 Jefferson Street and 1007 Edgewood Avenue - Demolition Permit - Demolish two single-family residences (New application)
Urban Design Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 18 at 4:30p. The agenda includes:
5. 84855 619-699 W Mifflin Street - New Multi-Family Residential Building in UMX Zoning. (District 4) Owner: Wiedenbeck Historic Properties/Phil Hees, McBride Companies Applicant: Neil Reardon, ESG Architecture & Design Final Approval is Requested UDC is an Approving Body
Board of Public Works meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 18, at 4:30p. The agenda includes:
22. 86464 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Imagination Center at Reindahl Park. (District 12)
The Imagination Center at Reindahl Park is a co-located facility which holds a Library and Park pavilion. The 1 story building is approximately 17.500 SF. The project includes exterior improvements such as a redeveloped parking lot, pedestrian spaces, and landscape improvements. The facility will be operated by both Madison Public Library and City of Madison Parks. The total estimated cost of Construction is 16,318,885 REPORT BY CITY ENGINEERING RECOMMEND TO ADOPT
30. 86310 Informational Presentation on the Draft Stormwater Utility Vegetation Management Plan
31. 86312 Informational Presentation on the Leaf Study Summary.
Economic Development Committee: The Economic Development Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 18, at 5:00 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include authorizing the eventual forgiveness of $1,613,365 of debt held by Madison Ice Inc. for the Madison Ice Arena and Hartmeyer Ice Arena.
2. 86169 Authorizing the eventual forgiveness of $1,613,365 of debt held by Madison Ice Inc. for the Madison Ice Arena (725 Forward Drive) and Hartmeyer Ice Arena (1810 and 1834 Commercial Avenue), authorizing the termination of existing land contracts for both ice arenas with Madison Ice Hartmeyer, LLC and Madison Ice MIA, LLC (Madison Ice, Inc.), authorizing the fee simple sale of Hartmeyer Ice Arena to East Madison Ice Collective and the fee simple sale of Madison Ice Arena to Madison Ice, Inc. for $1, authorizing a fundraising requirement of approximately $3 million by East Madison Ice Collective for capital improvements to Hartmeyer Ice Arena, and authorizing additional terms related to the renegotiation of the City’s relationship to the ice arenas (District 12 and District 19).
Fiscal Note: The proposed resolution authorizes the termination of existing land contracts between the CIty and Madison Ice MIA, LLC and Madison Ice Hartmeyer, LLC for the ice arenas located at 725 Forward Dr (Madison Ice Arena) and 1810 and 1824 Commercial Ave (Hartmeyer Ice Arena), respectively. The resolution further authorizes the fee simple sale of said properties to Madison Ice Inc. (Madison Ice Arena) and East Madison Ice Collective (Hartmeyer Ice Arena) for $1. The resolution further authorizes the restructuring of the existing land contracts with Madison Ice Inc. and East Madison Ice Collective into forgivable loans, such that the existing land contract debt for both facilities and the existing balance of a 2017 capital improvement loan for the Hartmeyer Ice Arena made to Madison Ice Inc. will result in the eventual forgiveness of approximately $1,613,365. In exchange for this debt forgiveness and land sale, East Madison Ice Collective will be required to raise the equivalent of $3.0 million for capital improvements to Hartmeyer Ice Arena. No additional City appropriation is required.
- Alcohol License Review Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 18, at 5:30p. The agenda includes:
9. 86147 Public Hearing - New License Tacomadre LLC • dba Taco Madres 2827 Atwood Ave • Agent: Jose Vicente Zecua Estimated Capacity (in/out): 75/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 30% alcohol, 70% food Police Sector 602 (District 15)
This is the new restaurant replacing Daisy Café and Cupcakery
- Police Civilian Oversight Board meeting will take place Thursday, December 19 at 6p. No agenda has been posted as of Friday 12/13.
- If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Announcements and News Releases
- Set Out Brush on Sunday, December 15, 2024, for Last Chance Pickup; Collection is Not Guaranteed: The Streets Division will perform one more sweep through the city collection brush that has been set out for collection, weather permitting. If you have brush that needs to be collected, you can set it out for pickup on Sunday, December 15. … [posted December 13, 2024]
- Streets Division Drop-off Sites Now on Winter Hours: The Streets Division drop-off sites at 4602 Sycamore Avenue and 402 South Point Road are now on winter hours. The winter hours began on Friday, December 6, 2024. They will remain in effect until the spring of 2025.The hours for the sites are… [posted December 12, 2024]
- RESCHEDULED: City Invites Public to Celebrate its New Autumn Ridge Path : Due to the 12/12/2024 forecast, the Autumn Ridge Ribbon Cutting will be rescheduled to 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, 12/17/2024. Original press release: https://www.cityofmadison.com/news/2024-12-09/city-invites-public-to-ce…-… [posted December 12, 2024]
- Buy Local This Holiday Season: Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway is encouraging residents to buy locally this gift-giving season. [posted December 10, 2024]
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.
- Alders on Ice, December 18, 6p.m. - Hartmeyer Ice Arena (1834 Commercial Ave.): It's Learn-to-Skate night at Hartmeyer - a cherished community event on Madison's East Side. Gather on the east bleachers and learn more about the Ice Arena Resolution followed by a facility tour.
- Bird & Nature Adventures | Starkweather Creek Area, Saturday, December 21: Outings in the Starkweather Creek area vary each month - be sure to check the starting location. Adventures typically at 10:00am on the 3rd Saturday of the month, year-round, and frequently start at the Goodman Community Center, unless noted otherwise. Outings include nature walks, canoe/kayak adventures, bicycling tours, and more, and are sponsored by the Madison Friends of Urban Nature , Madison Parks, Goodman Community Center , Madison Audubon Society , and Friends of Starkweather Creek . No registration is required. Pets are not allowed.
- Holiday Fantasy in Lights at Olin Park, November 9th through December 31, 2024: Lighted holiday themed displays set in beautiful Olin Park. Drive through anytime Dusk until Dawn to enjoy this magical light show for free, brought to you by The Electric Group.
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.