D6 Items of Interest Week of March 17, 2025
postedIn-Person Absentee Voting Begins, Tuesday, March 18: Early in-person absentee voting begins today and runs through Sunday, March 30. The April 1 election features all Common Council seats for the last time before staggered district elections begin next year, the County Executive, three School Board races with Seat 3 having a contested race, an assortment of municipal and circuit court judicial races and, of course, the Wisconsin Supreme Court. To learn more about the candidates check out the League of Women Voter's Vote 411 Please make a plan to vote if you are not voting in-person absentee. This is an important Supreme Court race and requires all hands on deck.
Near West Watershed Study and the John Nolen Drive Watershed Study, Tuesday, March 18: A public information meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., March 18, 2025, via Zoom. Registration prior is required. This meeting will cover the Near West Watershed Study and the John Nolen Drive Watershed Study.
OIM Community Listening Session with JUSTDANE: The Office of the Independent Monitor, in collaboration with JustDane, invites members of the public to a community listening session on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 5 pm. This hybrid session is open to the public, but registration is required.
The Central District has a new Police Captain. Captain Kipp Hartman was appointed to fill the position on March 3 after Captain Angie Kamoske got promoted to Assistant Chief.
Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee meeting will take place on Monday, March 17, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include approving the issuance of a Request for Proposals for the redevelopment of Block 113, located at 1 South Butler Street.
2. 87402 Authorizing the City to execute agreements with inter-city bus providers to recover facility maintenance costs (District 2, District 8, District 16).
The proposed resolution authorizes contracting with inter-city bus companies to recoup City maintenance costs incurred at the Dutch-Mill Parking Lot and the future Lake Street Bus Terminal. It is estimated that contracts associated with the Dutch-Mill Parking Lot will generate between $50,000 and $100,000 of revenue annually.
7. 87452 Authorizing a $62,225 contract with Madison’s Central Business Improvement District (BID) and/or its fiscal sponsor to fund the continuation of the Downtown Activities Program focused on existing plazas around the Capitol Square and State Street (District 2, District 4, District 8)
Fiscal Note: The proposed resolution authorizes an agreement between the City of Madison and Madison’s Central Business Improvement District (BID) and/or its fiscal sponsor for programming at locations on State Street and the Capitol Square. The City would like the BID to continue to reinstate in-person programming activities to the extent possible at the “Top of State” as well as other public open spaces and plazas along State Street and the Capitol Square, including, but not limited to, Rotary Plaza, Lisa Link Peace Park, North Frances Plaza, and the intersection of State Street Mall and the Library Mall. The Economic Development Division’s 2025 Adopted Operating Budget includes $62,225 to support the (BID) programming (63500-54810-00000). No additional City appropriation is required.
8. 87473 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept, on behalf of the City, a 2025 $75,000 Employment Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) to support creating equitable outcomes for homeless and other marginalized adults in training and vocational support services; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Purchase of Services agreement with JustDane, Inc. to provide services to implement these goals through its Just Bakery program. (Citywide)
In December 2024, the City of Madison, in partnership with JustDane's Just Bakery program, re-applied and received grant funding through the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) Employment Grant program. The goal of the grant is to implement short- and long-term training programs and practices that will support equitable economic recovery and growth for homeless and marginalized adults who are interested in careers in the hospitality industry. JustDane, as an approved EG grant Subrecipient, provided these same grant-funded services via its Just Bakery program during 2024.
9. 87491 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Musonics L.L.C., d/b/a/ Cafe CODA for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12)
Fiscal Note: The proposed resolution authorizes a contract with Musonics LLC, d/b/a Café CODA for exclusive beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC). The contract term is from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026 with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. Projected revenue for the contract is approximately $10,000 annually. No appropriation is required.
11. 87419 Approving the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of Block 113, located at 1 South Butler Street (the “Property”) and establishing a process for the review of responses to the RFP and selection of a development team for the Property. (District 6)
Because the city used the Brayton Lot/Block 113 for matching funds for the federal funding award for the East-West BRT, the Federal Transit Authority requires that the Property be redeveloped with the following criteria:
- That the City maintain “satisfactory continuing control”;
- That any new development on the site incorporate private investment;
- That any new development benefit transit by increasing transit demand in the area;
- That any project have no more than two hundred seventy (270) off street parking stalls;
- That any project return a “fair share of revenue” to Madison Metro Transit, the owner of the Property (which is defined as $9,000,000, which may be returned to the City through equal payments over fifteen (15) years who’s net present value is equal to $9,000,000 or through a lease or other arrangement)
- Meeting Details
- Plan Commission: The Plan Commission meeting will take place on Monday, March 17, at 5:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include development-related requests in Districts 2, 8, 12, 14, and 19.
Upcoming Matters – April 7, 2025
- ID 87450 - Amending various sections of MGO Chapter 28, Zoning Code related to lodging to allow hotel and motel rentals of thirty days or more
- ID 87463 - 414 S Baldwin Street - Conditional Use Alteration - Amend conditions of approval for hotel to allow alcohol sales on premises
- ID 87471 & 87475- 2230 Pennsylvania Avenue - Conditional Use and Certified Survey Map Combine underlying lots into one lot and construct a private parking facility
- Meeting Details
- Transportation Commission: The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 19, at 5:00 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include the Department of Transportation Annual Operations Report.
- 87581 Resolution Honoring Renee Callaway for Service
6. 87582 Traffic Signal Priority List Review and Approval
When you contact me/your alder about requests for stop signs or stop lights, staff evaluates the request based on applying traffic standards for warrants and then TC reviews their recommendations and approves the annual list of priority projects. You can see on the 2024 Traffic Signal Priority list all the D6 /east side and city wide intersections that were studied and rated.
- Meeting Details
- Alcohol License Review Committee meeting takes place on Wednesday, March 19, at 5:30p in hybrid format at 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, room 201. The Agenda includes
8. 87478 Public Hearing - New License Atwood Music Hall LLC • dba Atwood Music Hall 1925 Winnebago St • Agent: Kristoffer Christensen Estimated Capacity (in/out): 700/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 90% alcohol, 10% food Police Sector 410 (District 6)
I attended the public information meeting last week along with future alder Davy Mayer. Approximately 20 people attended. Toffer Christensen and his partner Jake DeHaven answered questions about parking and noise. The greatest concerns came from neighbors and businesses who currently lease space in the Trinity Lutheran Church’s parking lot off First St.
9. 87479 Public Hearing - New License Rotunda Cafe LLC • dba Rotunda Cafe 1965 Atwood Ave • Agent: Melissa Schoechert Estimated Capacity (in/out): 150/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food Police Sector 410 (District 6)
13. 87483 Adopting the Updated Elected and Appointed Official Code of Ethical Conduct
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Public Information Meetings (PIM’s)
- Near West Watershed Study and the John Nolen Drive Watershed Study, Tuesday, March 18: A public information meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., March 18, 2025, via Zoom. Registration prior is required. This meeting will cover the Near West Watershed Study and the John Nolen Drive Watershed Study.
- Buffalo Trail, Barron Court, Green Lake Pass, Thursday, March 20: The March 20, 2025, meeting will also be held virtual via Zoom with an in-person viewing during the meeting hosted at the Midtown Police Station, 4020 Mineral Point Road, scheduled for 6:30 p.m., March 12, 2025, via Zoom. Registration is required prior.
Announcements and News Releases
- OIM Community Listening Session with JUSTDANE: The Office of the Independent Monitor, in collaboration with JustDane, invites members of the public to a community listening session on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 5 pm. This hybrid session is open to the public, but registration is required.… [posted March 14, 2025]
- Interim Police Chief Shares Vision for the Department: D7 Virtual Lunch and Learn with Madison Police Department Leadership: Alder Nasra Wehelie invites you to attend her final D7 Lunch and Learn, a unique opportunity to learn and engage. Featuring Interim Police Chief John Patterson and Captain Timothy Patton, this event is the culmination of Alder Wehelie's commitment… [posted March 13, 2025]
- Spring Break Travelers Urged to Check Measles Vaccination Status (link is external): Ahead of spring break travel, public health officials urge travelers to check their measles vaccination status. [posted March 13, 2025]
- Madison Madness: Fill out a bracket to let us know what you want in your neighborhood: As we get closer to tournament time, the City of Madison is getting into the spirit with a new way for residents to share their perspectives during the ongoing Southwest and Southeast Area Plan process. [posted March 12, 2025]
- Voter Registration 'Closes' Today: Today is the final day to register to vote online or by mail prior to the April 1 Spring Election. [posted March 12, 2025]
- Announcement Regarding Clerk’s Office : City Attorney Michael Haas will assume the role of Acting City Clerk on an interim basis and will oversee office operations to make sure that everything runs smoothly. [posted March 12, 2025]
- Madison Launches the Second Year of the Building Energy Savings Program: BESP requires large commercial buildings to benchmark their energy use annually and complete building tune-ups every four years. [posted March 11, 2025]
- Absentee Voting Begins Today in Care Facilities: Voters in qualified nursing homes and assisted living facilities will be able to cast their absentee ballots this week. In a new initiative this election, the City of Madison is setting up ExpressVote ballot marking devices for Special Voting Deputy… [posted March 10, 2025]
- Spring Election Media Kit Now Available: The Madison City Clerk's Office is releasing its media kit for the April 1 Spring Election. The media kit includes election statistics, key dates, and a brief overview of the election process. The goal of the Madison City Clerk's Office is that each… [posted March 10, 2025]
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.
- In-Person Absentee Voting Begins, Tuesday, March 18: Early in-person absentee voting begins today and runs through Sunday, March 30.
- Public Test of Election Equipment, Saturday, March 22: The City Clerk's Office will test every tabulator, ballot style, and office on the ballot to make sure the tabulators will accurately tally votes at the polls on Election Day. The public test begins at 9 a.m. and runs until complete.
- Bird & Nature Adventures | Edna Taylor, Saturday, March 22: Join a naturalist for an easy family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way. Walk will begin at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, 330 Femrite Drive. Meet outside at the Children's Shack. Co-sponsored by Madison Parks, and Aldo Leopold Nature Center(link is external) . No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
- Mobile Vaccination Clinic: Badger Prairie Needs Network, Saturday, March 22: We're hosting mobile vaccination clinics throughout the county in partnership with community organizations! All vaccines are free to those eligible...
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar