Lunch and Learn on Thursday, December 12 - Important Winter Updates


Join me on Thursday, December 12, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for a virtual Lunch and Learn that will provide information on the City of Madison's winter services and what folks should think about as we enter the snow season. Streets Division Superintendent Charlie Romines will be the special guest for the December Lunch and Learn.

This Lunch and Learn will include a presentation by Charlie Romines focusing on winter snow removal, snow emergencies, and other winter-weather-related information. It will serve as an effective way to inform and engage residents over the lunch hour about important winter updates.

There will be time for Q&A at the end of the session. Attendees can ask questions or express feedback verbally or in the chat box. They can also submit their questions in advance to Lorissa Banuelos, Community Engagement Strategist, by emailing Please include "December 12 Lunch and Learn question" in the subject line.

Join us for this Lunch and Learn to help you prepare for snow season in Madison. This event is free and open to all residents. To attend this Lunch and Learn, please register in advance. You will receive login information after registering at

banner for D7 Lunch and Learn featuring Streets
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Alder Nasra Wehelie

Alder Nasra Wehelie

District 7
Contact Alder Wehelie
